首页> 外文期刊>Obstetrics and Gynecology: Journal of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists >Ovarian conservation at the time of hysterectomy for benign disease.

Ovarian conservation at the time of hysterectomy for benign disease.


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OBJECTIVE: Prophylactic oophorectomy is often recommended concurrent with hysterectomy for benign disease. The optimal age for this recommendation in women at average risk for ovarian cancer has not been determined. METHODS: Using published age-specific data for absolute and relative risk, both with and without oophorectomy, for ovarian cancer, coronary heart disease, hip fracture, breast cancer, and stroke, a Markov decision analysis model was used to estimate the optimal strategy for maximizing survival for women at average risk of ovarian cancer. For each 5-year age group from 40 to 80 years, 4 strategies were compared: ovarian conservation or oophorectomy, and use of estrogen therapy or nonuse. Outcomes, as proportion of women alive at age 80 years, were measured. Sensitivity analyses were performed, varying both relative and absolute risk estimates across the range of reported values. RESULTS: Ovarian conservation until age 65 benefits long-term survival for women undergoing hysterectomy for benign disease. Women with oophorectomy before age 55 have 8.58% excess mortality by age 80, and those with oophorectomy before age 59 have 3.92% excess mortality. There is sustained, but decreasing, benefit until the age of 75, when excess mortality for oophorectomy is less than 1%. These results were unchanged following multiple sensitivity analyses and were most sensitive to the risk of coronary heart disease. CONCLUSION: Ovarian conservation until at least age 65 benefits long-term survival for women at average risk of ovarian cancer when undergoing hysterectomy for benign disease.
机译:目的:对于良性疾病,通常建议在子宫切除术的同时进行预防性卵巢切除术。尚未确定在具有平均卵巢癌风险的女性中此建议的最佳年龄。方法:使用已发表的针对特定年龄段的绝对和相对风险数据,无论是否进行卵巢切除术,卵巢癌,冠心病,髋部骨折,乳腺癌和中风,均采用马尔可夫决策分析模型来评估使处于平均卵巢癌风险中的女性的生存最大化。对于40至80岁的每个5岁年龄组,比较了4种策略:卵巢保存或卵巢切除术,以及是否使用雌激素疗法。测量结果,以80岁以下存活女性的比例为准。进行了敏感性分析,改变了报告值范围内的相对和绝对风险估计。结果:卵巢保存至65岁有益于接受良性疾病子宫切除术的妇女的长期存活。 55岁之前进行卵巢切除术的妇女到80岁时死亡率高出8.58%,而59岁之前进行卵巢切除术的妇女死亡率高出3.92%。当卵巢切除术的额外死亡率低于1%时,一直持续到75岁才有收益。经过多重敏感性分析后,这些结果没有改变,并且对冠心病的风险最敏感。结论:对于良性疾病行子宫全子宫切除术的女性,卵巢保存至少至65岁有益于长期生存,这些女性具有卵巢癌平均风险。



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