
Pregnancy-associated assault hospitalizations(1).


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OBJECTIVE:To determine the rate of pregnancy-associated hospitalized assaults in a multistate population and whether they have any increased assault risk versus nonpregnant counterparts.METHODS:An International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision (ICD-9-CM) pregnancy and injury criterion was applied to 1997 statewide hospital discharge data from 19 states (52% of the female population age 15-49 years). Cases were classified as assault-related with and without pregnancy-associated diagnoses. Pregnancy-associated and all women were compared using demographic specific rate ratios and severity stratification.RESULTS:There were 7402 assault-related injuries among all women ages 15-49; 745 (10%) were pregnancy-associated. The incidence of assaults involving hospitalizations was 65 per 100,000 person-years for pregnant women versus 21 per 100,000 for all women (rate ratio 3.14; 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.04, 3.39). Pregnant women were younger (mean age 24.2 versus 30.8 years), their average length of stay was shorter (2.6 versus 4.0 days), their mean injury severity score was less (2.5 versus 4.9), and the median charge per stay was lower (
机译:目的:确定多州人群中与妊娠相关的住院袭击的发生率,以及与未怀孕者相比,其袭击风险是否增加。方法:采用国际疾病分类,第9次修订版(ICD-9-CM)怀孕和伤害标准应用于来自19个州的1997年全州医院出院数据(占15-49岁女性人口的52%)。病例被分类为与妊娠有关的诊断和没有妊娠相关的诊断。结果:在所有年龄段的15-49岁妇女中,有7402例与袭击有关的伤害,其中包括与人口相关的特定比率和严重程度分层。 745(10%)位与怀孕相关。孕妇的住院袭击发生率为每10万人年65例,而所有妇女的发病率为每100,000人21例(比率3.14; 95%置信区间[CI] 2.04,3.39)。孕妇较年轻(平均年龄24.2 vs 30.8岁),平均住院时间较短(2.6 vs 4.0天),平均伤害严重程度评分较低(2.5 vs 4.9),每次住院费用中位数较低(



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