首页> 外文期刊>Resuscitation. >Randomised controlled trials of staged teaching for basic life support. 2. Comparison of CPR performance and skill retention using either staged instruction or conventional training.

Randomised controlled trials of staged teaching for basic life support. 2. Comparison of CPR performance and skill retention using either staged instruction or conventional training.

机译:分阶段教学以进行基本生活支持的随机对照试验。 2.使用分阶段教学或常规培训比较CPR表现和技能保留率。

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Teaching CPR in stages is a strategy designed to improve skill acquisition and retention. This method has been compared with conventional teaching in a randomised trial involving 495 volunteers. The first ('bronze') stage was simplified by omitting ventilation and giving compressions in sets of 50 with pauses to open the victim's airway; in the second ('silver') stage ventilation was introduced in a ratio of 50 compressions to five breaths, and in the third ('gold') stage, the volunteers were converted to conventional CPR. 51% of those taught by this method reattended for the second ('silver') stage compared with 25% who were taught conventional CPR and advised to return for a revision session. 38% of the staged group reattended for the third ('gold') compared with 8% for the conventional group. Modest improvement in skill acquisition has earlier been reported for the 'bronze' stage teaching, and this has been followed by better performance in some of the components tested after the subsequent stages. Comparisons after the 'gold' stage were limited by the small numbers who reattended for a third session of conventional training, but no special difficulties were noted in changing the ratio of compressions to ventilation that was necessary to convert the staged training volunteers to conventional CPR. The increased number of compressions that can be achieved by teaching 'bronze' stage CPR with no ventilation was retained, to a lesser degree, when the 'silver' ratio of 50 compressions to five breaths was compared with the conventional 15:2 ratio. Our observations suggest that during the first critical 8 min of a resuscitation attempt, 58% more compressions might be delivered by using the 50:5 ratio - an increase that is likely to result in a significant augmentation of blood flow with important clinical implications. More comparative information will become available when the results of unannounced home testing are analysed.
机译:分阶段进行心肺复苏术是一种旨在提高技能获得和保持能力的策略。在涉及495名志愿者的随机试验中,已将该方法与常规教学进行了比较。第一阶段(“青铜”)通过省略通风并以50组为一组进行压缩,并暂停以打开受害者的呼吸道,从而简化了该阶段。在第二阶段(“银色”)通气以50次按压与五次呼吸的比率进行;在第三阶段(“黄金”),将志愿者转换为常规CPR。用这种方法讲授的学员中有51%重新参加了第二阶段(“银色”),而接受常规CPR并建议返回以进行修订的学员则为25%。 38%的分期治疗组再次参加第三次(“金”治疗),而常规治疗组为8%。较早之前,在“青铜”阶段的教学中已经报道了在技能习得方面的适度改进,随后在后续阶段之后测试的某些组件中,其性能得到了改善。 “黄金”阶段之后的比较受到少数参加第三次常规训练的人数的限制,但是在改变将分阶段训练志愿者转换为常规CPR所需的压缩与通气比方面,没有发现特殊困难。当将50次按压至5次呼吸的“银色”比例与传统的15:2比例进行比较时,通过在不进行通气的情况下进行“青铜”阶段CPR的教学中,可以保留的按压次数有所增加。我们的观察结果表明,在复苏尝试的第一个关键的8分钟内,使用50:5的压力比可能会增加58%的压迫-这种增加可能会导致血流量显着增加,并具有重要的临床意义。当分析未经通知的家庭测试结果时,将获得更多的比较信息。



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