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Track structure calculations in LiF : Mg,Ti: A Monte Carlo study of the 'track escape' parameter


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The extended track interaction model (ETIM) describes heavy charged particle (HCP) thermoluminescence (TL) fluence response, taking into account both supralinearity and saturation effects. The supralinearity is very sensitive to the 'track escape' parameter, defined by N-e/N-w where N-e represents the number of electrons which escape the parent track during heating, and N-w is the number of electrons which recombine within the parent track to produce a TL photon. In this study a first attempt is carried out to theoretically model track segment-escape parameters as a function of particle type and energy using trapping center (TC), luminescent centers (LCs) and competitive center (CC) occupation probabilities calculated from track segment radial dose distributions and optical absorption (OA) dose response. A Monte Carlo approach is employed which samples the point of creation of charge carriers according to the TC occupation probability densities and then estimates Nw by sampling the chord length to the track exterior and calculating the probability of capture by an activated LC within the track volume. Charge carriers which escape the irradiated track volume contribute to N-e. Values of N-e/N-w consistent with recent experimental estimates can be generated using physically reasonable values for the LC and CC cross-sections.
机译:扩展轨道相互作用模型(ETIM)考虑了超线性和饱和效应,描述了重电荷粒子(HCP)热致发光(TL)通量响应。超线性度对“轨道逃逸”参数非常敏感,该参数由Ne / Nw定义,其中Ne表示在加热过程中逃离母轨道的电子数,Nw是在母轨道内重组产生TL的电子数光子在这项研究中,我们进行了首次尝试,使用捕获中心(TC),发光中心(LCs)和竞争中心(CC)的占领概率,从理论上对轨道段逃逸参数作为颗粒类型和能量的函数进行建模,剂量分布和光吸收(OA)剂量响应。采用蒙特卡洛方法,该方法根据TC占用概率密度对电荷载流子的生成点进行采样,然后通过采样到音轨外部的弦长并计算音轨体积内被激活的LC捕获的概率来估计Nw。逃逸出被照射的轨迹体积的电荷载流子贡献N-e。可以使用LC和CC横截面的物理上合理的值来生成与最近的实验估计值一致的N-e / N-w值。



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