首页> 外文期刊>Respiration: International Review of Thoracic Diseases >Solitary atypical adenomatous hyperplasia in the lung of a 17-year-old man with spontaneous pneumothorax.

Solitary atypical adenomatous hyperplasia in the lung of a 17-year-old man with spontaneous pneumothorax.


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We report here a case of solitary atypical adenomatous hyperplasia (AAH). A 17-year-old non-smoker man developed spontaneous pneumothorax, and computed tomogram scanning of his chest revealed a ground-glass opacity measuring 5 x 5 mm in the right lung with no change in its size for the next 7 months. To exclude the possibility of pulmonary neoplasia, he underwent partial pulmonary resection. The postoperative pathologic diagnosis was AAH. The present case is very exceptional for AAH because of the patient's young age and non-association with pulmonary carcinoma. The postoperative 23-month follow-up was uneventful.
机译:我们在这里报告一例非典型性腺瘤样增生(AAH)。一名17岁的非吸烟者出现了自发性气胸,计算机X线断层扫描显示他的胸部出现了磨砂玻璃混浊,在右侧肺中的混浊度为5 x 5 mm,在接下来的7个月中其大小没有变化。为了排除肺肿瘤的可能性,他接受了部分肺切除术。术后病理诊断为AAH。由于患者年龄年轻且与肺癌无关,因此本例对于AAH而言非常例外。术后23个月随访顺利。



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