首页> 外文期刊>Remote Sensing of Environment: An Interdisciplinary Journal >Mapping tree height distributions in Sub-Saharan Africa using Landsat 7 and 8 data

Mapping tree height distributions in Sub-Saharan Africa using Landsat 7 and 8 data

机译:使用Landsat 7和Landsat 8数据绘制撒哈拉以南非洲树高分布图

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Landsat time-series multi-spectral data, GLAS (Geoscience Laser Altimeter System) height data and a regression tree model were used to estimate tree height for a transect in Sub-Saharan Africa ranging from the Sahara Desert through the Congo Basin to the Kalahari Desert (+22 to -22 degrees latitude and 23 to 24 degrees longitude). Objectives included comparing the performance of Landsat 7- and 8-derived inputs separately and combined in mapping tree height at a regional scale, assessing the relative value of good observation counts and different Landsat spectral inputs for tree height estimation across a range of environments, and describing tree height distributions and discontinuities in Sub-Saharan Africa. A total of 5371 images were processed and per pixel quality assessed to create a set of multi-temporal metrics for the 2013 and 2014 calendar years for Landsat 7 only, Landsat 8 only and both Landsat 7 and 8 combined. Differences in performance were slight between different sensor inputs. However, performance generally improved with increasing numbers of good observations. Metrics derived from red reflectance data contributed most in estimating tree height. The regression tree algorithm accurately reproduced theLiDAR-derived height training data with an overall mean absolute error (MAE) for tree height estimation of 2.45 m using integrated Landsat 7 and 8 data. Significant underestimations were quantified for tall tree cover (MAE of 4.65 m for >20 m heights) and overestimations for lowo tree cover (MAE 1.61 for <5 m heights). Resulting tree distributions were found to be discontinuous with a primary dry seasonal woodlands cluster of 510 m in height, a second cluster of primarily dry evergreen forest tree cover from 11-17 m, and a third cluster of humid evergreen forest tree cover >= 18 m. The integration of Landsat 7 and 8 and forthcoming Sentinel 2 time-series optical data to extend the value of LiDAR forest structure measurements is recommended. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license.
机译:使用Landsat时间序列多光谱数据,GLAS(地球科学激光测高仪系统)高度数据和回归树模型来估算撒哈拉以南非洲从撒哈拉沙漠到刚果盆地到卡拉哈里沙漠的样带的树高(纬度+22至-22度,经度23至24度)。目标包括分别比较Landsat 7和8来源输入的性能,并在区域范围内组合绘制树高;评估良好观测值和不同Landsat光谱输入的相对值,以在各种环境中估计树高;以及描述撒哈拉以南非洲的树高分布和不连续性。仅对Landsat 7,仅Landsat 8以及Landsat 7和8进行了组合,总共处理了5371张图像并评估了每个像素的质量,以创建一组针对2013和2014日历年的多时间指标。不同传感器输入之间的性能差异很小。但是,随着良好观察次数的增加,性能通常会提高。从红色反射率数据得出的度量标准在估计树高方面贡献最大。回归树算法使用集成的Landsat 7和8数据准确地再现了LiDAR派生的高度训练数据,其总体平均绝对误差(MAE)用于树高估计为2.45 m。对于高大的树木遮盖物(> 20 m的高度,MAE为4.65 m)和低/没有树木的遮盖物(<5 m的高度为MAE 1.61),量化了明显的低估。发现形成的树木分布是不连续的,主要的季节性干燥林地集群高度为510 m,第二个主要为干燥的常绿森林树丛的树丛为11-17 m,第三个为潮湿的常绿森林树丛,树丛> = 18米建议集成Landsat 7和8和即将发布的Sentinel 2时间序列光学数据,以扩展LiDAR森林结构测量的价值。 (C)2016作者。由Elsevier Inc.发行。这是CC BY许可下的开放访问文章。



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