首页> 外文期刊>Remote Sensing of Environment: An Interdisciplinary Journal >Extending the vegetation-impervious-soil model using simulated EnMAP data and machine learning

Extending the vegetation-impervious-soil model using simulated EnMAP data and machine learning


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The upcoming hyperspectral satellite mission Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program (EnMAP) will provide timely and globally sampled imaging spectrometer data on a frequent basis. This will create unprecedented opportunities for a variety of environmental research fields and lead to manifold novel applications. These opportunities specifically apply to challenging environments, including heterogeneous urban landscapes. In this paper, we explored the potential of EnMAP data for quantifying land cover along the urban-rural gradient of Berlin, Germany. Land cover fraction maps from a simulated EnMAP scene at 30 m spatial resolution were derived based on support vector regression (SVR) combined with synthetically mixed training data. Results demonstrate that EnMAP imagery will be well suited for mapping impervious, vegetation and soil surface types according to the VIS framework. Moreover, EnMAP data will allow extending the VIS framework by more detailed sub-categories such as roof and pavement, or low vegetation and tree. However, we advise caution that spaceborne imaging spectrometer data of improved quality will not completely help to overcome well known phenomena of spectral similarity between materials and spectral confusion caused by the presence of shaded areas. To identify possible benefits and limitations of EnMAP data, comparisons to fraction maps derived from a higher resolution Hyperspectral Mapper (HyMap) image at 9 m spatial resolution and a multispectral Landsat ETM +-like image at 30 m spatial resolution were drawn. First, we demonstrate that both VIS and extended VIS mapping reveal similar accuracies compared to maps from spatially higher resolution data. Second, we illustrate the superiority of the higher spectral information content for improved and extended urban land cover mapping compared to multispectral data. Overall, this study provides important insights into the potential of spaceborne imaging spectrometer and specifically future EnMAP data for urban remote sensing. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc All rights reserved.
机译:即将到来的高光谱卫星任务环境制图和分析计划(EnMAP)将经常提供及时和全球采样的成像光谱仪数据。这将为各种环境研究领域创造前所未有的机会,并导致多种新颖的应用。这些机会特别适用于具有挑战性的环境,包括异质城市景观。在本文中,我们探索了EnMAP数据在量化德国柏林城乡梯度上的土地覆盖率方面的潜力。基于支持向量回归(SVR)与综合混合的训练数据相结合,从模拟的EnMAP场景中以30 m的空间分辨率得出土地覆盖分数图。结果表明,根据VIS框架,EnMAP图像将非常适合绘制不透水,植被和土壤表面类型的地图。此外,EnMAP数据将允许通过更详细的子类别(例如屋顶和人行道,或低矮的植被和树木)扩展VIS框架。但是,我们提醒您,质量提高的星载成像光谱仪数据不能完全帮助克服众所周知的材料之间的光谱相似性现象以及由于阴影区域的存在而引起的光谱混乱。为了确定EnMAP数据可能带来的好处和局限性,与从9 m空间分辨率的高分辨率高光谱映射器(HyMap)图像和30 m空间分辨率的多光谱Landsat ETM +图像得出的分数图进行了比较。首先,我们证明,与来自空间更高分辨率数据的地图相比,VIS和扩展VIS地图均显示出相似的精度。其次,我们说明了与多光谱数据相比,更高光谱信息内容对于改进和扩展的城市土地覆盖图的优越性。总的来说,这项研究为星载成像光谱仪的潜力,尤其是未来用于城市遥感的EnMAP数据提供了重要的见识。 (C)2014 Elsevier Inc保留所有权利。



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