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Chemistry of Zircon in Rare Metal Granitoids and Associated Rocks, Eastern Desert, Egypt


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Typological study, including paragenic, morphological, textural, and chemical characteristics of zircon from nine rare metal granitic stocks and associated greisens, was carried out in order to identify the metallogenic processes of their host granitoids. The investigated zircon-bearing granitoids and type occurrences can be categorized into magmatically and metasomatically specialized types. The magmatic type includes: (i) peral-kaline, Zr + Nb-enriched, A_1-granite (e.g. Um Hibal); (ii) metaluminous, Nb + Zr + Y-enriched, A_2-type alkali granite (e.g. Hawashia and Ineigi); and (iii) peraluminous, Ta > Nb + Sn + Be + - W-enriched, Li-albite granite (e.g. Nuweibi, Igla and Abu Dabbab). The metasomatized granites are Nb > >Ta + Sn + Zr + Y + U + - Be + - W-enriched and hydrothermally altered alkali feldspar granite (i.e. apogranite; e.g. Um Ara, Abu Rusheid, and Um Naggat). Zircon of peralkaline granite is characteristically equant with well-developed pyramidal faces and short prisms (i.e. pseudo-octahedral form) with length/width ratios in the range of 2:1-1:1. It is of Zr_(0.990)Hf_(0.007)SiO_4 composition and is associated with hypersolvus assemblage consisting of alkali feldspar, quartz, aegirine and minor reibeckite. Zircon of metaluminous alkali granites is of Zr_(0.99)Hf_(0.01)SiO_4 composition and is associated with sub- to transolvus assemblage of K-feldspar, quartz, plagioclase and annite-siderophyllite mica. It is prismatic with length/width ratios in the range of 5:1-3:1, doubly terminated with small pyramidal faces. Compositionally, zircon of Li-albite granite ranges between Zr_(0.925)Hf_(0.075)SiO_4 and Zr_(0.705)Hf_(0.295)SiO_4. It is idiomorphic with a simple combination of prism and bipyramidal terminations with a length/width ratio of 3:1-2:1. This zircon commonly exhibits a normal zoning with rims consistently higher in Hf than cores. The higher Hf content, of this zircon coupled with its association with topaz, tantalite and lithian micas (e.g. zinnwaldite and Li-white mica), indicates a higher solubility of Hf-fluoride complexes and their more stabilized state at lower temperature in Li- and F-rich sodic melts. Zircon of apogranite association ranges in composition between Zr_(0.967)Hf_(0.013)SiO_4 in the lower unaltered alkali feldspar granite zone and Zr_(0.805)Hf_(0.064)(Y, U, Th, heavy rare-earth elements) [HREE])_(0.125)SiO_4 in the apical metasomatized (i.e. microclinized, albitized, and greisenized) apogranite zones. This compositional change appears to reflect a roofward increasing in mu_(KF), mu_(NaF), and mu_(HF) of the exsolved fluids. Columbite, xenotime, thorite, cassiterite, beryl and fluorite are common associates of this zircon. This zircon is of bipyramidal to typical octahedral form with complete absence of prism concurrently with conspicuous development of pyramid, thus the zircon crystals have a length/width ratio of 1:1-0.5:1. The neoformed metasomatic zircon commonly exhibits either normal or reverse zoning with rims consistently different in Hf, U, Y, and HREE than cores, reflecting disequilibrium conditions (e.g. sudden change in P, T, salinity, and pH) between the growing crystals and the exsolved fluids.
机译:进行了类型学研究,包括来自9种稀有金属花岗岩种群和相关格里森的锆石的共生,形态,​​结构和化学特征,以便确定其宿主花岗岩的成矿过程。研究过的含锆质花岗岩和类型出现可分为岩浆和变质专门类型。岩浆类型包括:(i)碱性钾盐,富Zr + Nb的花岗岩,A_1花岗岩(例如Um Hibal); (ii)富含Nb + Zr + Y的A_2型碱金属花岗岩(如Hawashia和Ineigi); (iii)高铝,Ta> Nb + Sn + Be +-富含W的锂合金花岗岩(例如Nuweibi,Igla和Abu Dabbab)。交代花岗岩是Nb Ta + Sn + Zr + Y + U +-Be +-富含W并经水热作用改变的碱性长石花岗岩(即磷灰石;例如Um Ara,Abu Rusheid和Um Naggat)。高碱性花岗岩的锆石特征在于长宽比在2:1-1:1范围内的发达的棱锥面和短棱柱体(即伪八面体形式)。它具有Zr_(0.990)Hf_(0.007)SiO_4的成分,并与由碱长石,石英,eg胺和轻质Reibeckite组成的超溶质组合有关。铝碱金属花岗岩的锆石具有Zr_(0.99)Hf_(0.01)SiO_4的成分,并且与钾长石,石英,斜长石和闪铁矿-铁闪石云母的亚次生转变相结合。它是棱柱形的,长/宽比在5:1-3:1的范围内,双重终止于小的锥面。在组成上,锂基花岗岩的锆石在Zr_(0.925)Hf_(0.075)SiO_4和Zr_(0.705)Hf_(0.295)SiO_4之间。它是简单的棱镜和双锥体终端的简单组合,长/宽比为3:1-2:1。该锆石通常表现出正常的区域划分,其轮缘的Hf始终高于核心。该锆石中较高的Hf含量,以及与黄玉,钽铁矿和锂云母(例如zinnwaldite和Li-white云母)的缔合,表明Hf-氟化物配合物的溶解度更高,并且在较低温度下在Li-和Li-Si中更稳定。富含F的钠融化。磷灰石缔合锆石的组成范围在下部未改变的碱性长石花岗岩区的Zr_(0.967)Hf_(0.013)SiO_4和Zr_(0.805)Hf_(0.064)(Y,U,Th,重稀土元素)[HREE]顶变质化(即微晶化,albitized和greisenized)尖晶石区域中的)_(0.125)SiO_4。这种成分变化似乎反映了溶解流体的mu_(KF),mu_(NaF)和mu_(HF)的屋顶增加。钴锆石,xenotime 、,石,锡石,绿柱石和萤石是该锆石的常见同伴。该锆石为双锥体至典型的八面体形式,完全不存在棱柱形,同时金字塔显着发展,因此锆石晶体的长/宽比为1:1-0.5:1。新形成的交代锆石通常表现出正向或反向区域划分,其边缘的Hf,U,Y和HREE始终不同于核心,反映出生长中的晶体与晶体之间的不平衡条件(例如P,T,盐度和pH值突然变化)。溶解的液体。



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