首页> 外文期刊>Laboratory Animal Science >Development of a Laboratory Colony of the Musk Shrew (Suncus murinus, Insectivora) Exhibiting a High Incidence of Spontaneous Diabetes Mellitus

Development of a Laboratory Colony of the Musk Shrew (Suncus murinus, Insectivora) Exhibiting a High Incidence of Spontaneous Diabetes Mellitus

机译:麝香(Suncus murinus,Insectivora)实验室集落的发展,自发性糖尿病发病率高

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To the authors' knowledge, diabetes mellitus has not been reported in any insectivore species. We report diabetes mellitus in the musk shrew and describe the development of a laboratory colony characterized by a high incidence of the disease. In September 1989 two male shrews of the BAN (1) and BAN-kc (2) lines originated from Bangladesh wild-caught shrews in 1983 were observed to have marked polyuria and glycosuria. A foundation breeding stock for glycosuric shrews was started in November 1989 withtwo glycosuric males and four phenotypically normal (nonglycosuric) females of the Bangladesh lines. Later a glycosuric female of the BAN line was introduced into this stock. Many glycosuric males and females were obtained from various mat-ings conducted to propagate glycosuric shrews in the foundation stock in 1990 (Table 1), since few glycosuric shrews appeared in the original BAN and BAN-kc lines. From this observation we considered the glycosuric character to be hereditary.
机译:据作者所知,尚未在任何食虫动物物种中报道糖尿病。我们报道了麝香中的糖尿病,并描述了以该病高发为特征的实验室菌落的发展。 1989年9月,观察到1983年源自孟加拉国野生捕获male的BAN(1)和BAN-kc(2)品系的两个雄性sh具有明显的多尿和糖尿症。糖尿sh的基础种畜始于1989年11月,孟加拉国系的两名糖尿雄性和四名表型正常(非糖尿)雌性开始。后来,BAN系的一名糖尿雌性被引入该种群。由于在最初的BAN和BAN-kc品系中几乎没有糖尿sh,所以1990年从基础种群中传播糖尿sh的各种交配中获得了许多糖尿雄性和雌性(表1)。从这一观察结果,我们认为糖尿病性是遗传性的。



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