首页> 外文期刊>Nursing inquiry >Counselling about HIV serological status disclosure: nursing practice or law enforcement? a Foucauldian reflection

Counselling about HIV serological status disclosure: nursing practice or law enforcement? a Foucauldian reflection


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Recently, focus groups and qualitative interviews with nurses who provide frontline care for persons living with HIV highlighted the contentiousness surrounding the seemingly innocuous activity of counselling clients about HIV-status disclosure, hereafter disclosure counselling. These empirical studies highlighted that while some nurses felt they should instruct clients to disclose their HIV-positive status if HIV transmission were possible, other nurses were equally adamant that such counselling was outside the nursing scope of practice. A review of these opposing perceptions about disclosure counselling, including an examination of the empirical evidence which supports each point, revealed that the dichotomous arguments needed to be nuanced. The empirical evidence about serostatus disclosure neither supported nor refuted either of these assertions; rather, it substantiated parts of each. To create this understanding, both empirical and theoretical works are used. First, the results of empirical studies about serostatus disclosure, or lack thereof and HIV transmission is presented; as part of this, Marks and Crepaz's HIV disclosure and exposure framework is examined. Second, the work of Michel Foucault on disciplinary and pastoral power is drawn from. The outcome is a nuanced understanding about the interrelationships between disclosure counselling and nursing practice and a final interpretation about what this understanding means for public health practice.
机译:最近,焦点小组和对为艾滋病毒感染者提供一线护理的护士进行的定性访谈强调了围绕咨询对象关于艾滋病毒状况披露(此后称为披露咨询)的看似无害的活动的争议。这些经验研究强调,尽管一些护士认为如果可能传播艾滋病毒,他们应该指示服务对象告知其艾滋病毒阳性状况,但其他护士也同样坚称这种咨询超出了护理的实践范围。对这些关于信息披露咨询的对立看法的回顾,包括对支持每个观点的经验证据的审查,都表明需要对两分论点进行细化。关于血清状态公开的经验证据既不支持也不驳斥这些论断。相反,它证实了每个部分。为了建立这种理解,使用了经验和理论著作。首先,介绍了关于血清状况公开,缺乏或与艾滋病毒传播有关的实证研究结果;在此过程中,将检查Marks and Crepaz的HIV披露和暴露框架。其次,来自米歇尔·福柯(Michel Foucault)关于纪律和牧权的著作。结果是对披露咨询与护理实践之间的相互关系有了细微的了解,并对这种理解对公共卫生实践意味着什么有了最终解释。



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