首页> 外文期刊>Nucleic Acids Research >p300/CBP is required for transcriptional induction by interleukin-4 and interacts with Stat6.

p300/CBP is required for transcriptional induction by interleukin-4 and interacts with Stat6.

机译:p300 / CBP是白介素4转录诱导所必需的,并与Stat6相互作用。

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Interleukin-4 (IL-4) induces tyrosine phosphorylation of the latent transcription factor Stat6, which mediates the transcriptional responses of IL-4. The transactivation domain of Stat6 has recently been mapped to the C-terminal region of Stat6. We have investigated the mechanism by which Stat6, through its transactivation domain, induces transcription. Previous studies have shown that diverse regulated transcription factors interact with coactivators such as p300 and CBP. We report that Stat6 used the interaction with p300/CBP to exert its stimulatory effects. Overexpression of p300/CBP increased IL-4-induced transcription of Stat6 activated reporter genes. The requirement of p300/CBP for Stat6-mediated transactivation is shown by coexpression of the adenovirus E1A protein. E1A repressed the IL-4-induced reporter gene activity, while mutants of E1A, which do not interact with p300/CBP, failed to block the IL-4-induced response. In addition, we found that the minimal transactivation domain of Stat6, when fused to the GAL4 DNA-binding domain, was repressed by E1A, whereas the fusion protein p300-VP16 increased the transcriptional activity. In two-hybrid protein interaction assays in mammalian cells, we mapped the interaction domain of CBP to a C-terminal region between amino acids 1850 and 2176, a region distinct from the interaction domain of CBP with Stat1, Stat2 or Stat5. Finally, we show that antibodies raised against p300 coimmunoprecipitated Stat6 and p300 from transfected COS7 cells and antibodies against Stat6 coimmunprecipitated endogenous Stat6 and CBP from Ba/F3 cells. Our data suggest that the transactivation domain of Stat6 makes contact with the basal transcription machinery by binding to p300/CBP.
机译:白介素-4(IL-4)诱导潜在转录因子Stat6的酪氨酸磷酸化,后者介导IL-4的转录反应。 Stat6的反式激活域最近已映射到Stat6的C端区域。我们已经研究了Stat6通过其反式激活结构域诱导转录的机制。先前的研究表明,多种调节的转录因子与诸如p300和CBP的共激活因子相互作用。我们报告说,Stat6使用与p300 / CBP的相互作用来发挥其刺激作用。 p300 / CBP的过表达增加了IL-4诱导的Stat6激活的报道基因转录。腺病毒E1A蛋白的共表达显示了Stat6介导的反式激活对p300 / CBP的需求。 E1A抑制了IL-4诱导的报告基因活性,而E1A的突变体不与p300 / CBP相互作用,但未能阻断IL-4诱导的应答。此外,我们发现当与GAL4 DNA结合域融合时,Stat6的最小反式激活域被E1A抑制,而融合蛋白p300-VP16增加了转录活性。在哺乳动物细胞中的两种杂交蛋白相互作用测定中,我们将CBP的相互作用域映射到氨基酸1850和2176之间的C末端区域,该区域不同于CBP与Stat1,Stat2或Stat5的相互作用域。最后,我们显示针对转染的COS7细胞的p300共免疫沉淀的Stat6和p300产生的抗体以及针对Ba / F3细胞的Stat6共免疫沉淀的内源性Stat6和CBP的抗体。我们的数据表明,Stat6的反式激活域通过与p300 / CBP结合而与基础转录机制接触。



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