首页> 外文期刊>Nucleic Acids Research >Effects of temperature, Mg2+ concentration and mismatches on triplet-repeat expansion during DNA replication in vitro.

Effects of temperature, Mg2+ concentration and mismatches on triplet-repeat expansion during DNA replication in vitro.

机译:温度,Mg2 +浓度和错配对体外DNA复制过程中三联体重复扩增的影响。

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The human genome contains many simple tandem repeats that are widely dispersed and highly polymorphic. At least one group of simple tandem repeats, the DNA trinucleotide repeats, can dramaticallyexpand in size during transmission from one generation to the next to cause disease by a process known as dynamic mutation. We investigated the ability of trinucleotide repeats AAT and CAG to expand in size during DNA replication using a minimal in vitro system composed of the repeat tract, with and without unique flanking sequences, and DNA polymerase. Varying Mg2+concentration and temperature gave dramatic expansions of repeat size during DNA replication in vitro. Expansions of up to 1000-fold were observed. Mismatches partially stabilized the repeat tracts against expansion. Expansions were only detected when the primer was complementary to the repeat tract rather than the flanking sequence. The results imply that cellular environment and whether the growing strand contains a nick or gap are important factors for the expansion process in vivo.
机译:人类基因组包含许多简单的串联重复序列,这些重复序列广泛分布且高度多态。至少一组简单的串联重复序列,即三核苷酸DNA重复序列,在从一代传到下一代的过程中,其大小会急剧扩大,从而通过称为动态突变的过程引起疾病。我们调查了三核苷酸重复AAT和CAG在DNA复制过程中扩增大小的能力,使用最小的体外系统,该系统由具有和不具有独特侧翼序列的重复道和DNA聚合酶组成。 Mg2 +浓度和温度的变化使体外DNA复制过程中重复序列的大小急剧增加。观察到高达1000倍的膨胀。错配部分稳定了重复序列以防止扩展。仅当引物与重复序列互补而不是侧翼序列互补时,才检测到扩增。结果暗示细胞环境以及生长链是否包含切口或缺口是体内扩增过程的重要因素。



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