首页> 外文期刊>Neuroimmunomodulation >Enhancing versus suppressive effects of stress on immune function: implications for immunoprotection and immunopathology.

Enhancing versus suppressive effects of stress on immune function: implications for immunoprotection and immunopathology.


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Stress is known to suppress immune function and increase susceptibility to infections and cancer. Paradoxically, stress is also known to exacerbate asthma, and allergic, autoimmune and inflammatory diseases, although such diseases should be ameliorated by immunosuppression. Moreover, the short-term fight-or-flight stress response is one of nature's fundamental defense mechanisms that enables the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems to promote survival, and it is unlikely that this response would suppress immune function at a time when it is most required for survival (e.g. in response to wounding and infection by a predator or aggressor). These observations suggest that stress may suppress immune function under some conditions while enhancing it under others. The effects of stress are likely to be beneficial or harmful depending on the type (immunoprotective, immunoregulatory/inhibitory, or immunopathological) of immune response that is affected. Studies have shown that several critical factors influence the direction (enhancing vs. suppressive) of the effects of stress or stress hormones on immune function: (1) Duration (acute vs. chronic) of stress: Acute or short-term stress experienced at the time of immune activation can enhance innate and adaptive immune responses. Chronic or long-term stress can suppress immunity by decreasing immune cell numbers and function and/or increasing active immunosuppressive mechanisms (e.g. regulatory T cells). Chronic stress can also dysregulate immune function by promoting proinflammatory and type-2 cytokine-driven responses. (2) Effects of stress on leukocyte distribution: Compartments that are enriched with immune cells during acute stress show immunoenhancement, while those that are depleted of leukocytes, show immunosuppression. (3) The differential effects of physiologic versus pharmacologic concentrations of glucocorticoids, and the differential effects of endogenous versus synthetic glucocorticoids: Endogenous hormones in physiological concentrations can have immunoenhancing effects. Endogenous hormones at pharmacologic concentrations, and synthetic hormones, are immunosuppressive. (4) The timing of stressor or stress hormone exposure relative to the time of activation and time course of the immune response: Immunoenhancement is observed when acute stress is experienced at early stages of immune activation, while immunosuppression may be observed at late stages of the immune response. We propose that it is important to study and, if possible, to clinically harness the immunoenhancing effects of the acute stress response, that evolution has finely sculpted as a survival mechanism, just as we study its maladaptive ramifications (chronic stress) that evolution has yet to resolve. In view of the ubiquitous nature of stress and its significant effects on immunoprotection as well as immunopathology, it is important to further elucidate the mechanisms mediating stress-immune interactions and to meaningfully translate findings from bench to bedside.
机译:众所周知,压力会抑制免疫功能并增加对感染和癌症的敏感性。矛盾的是,压力也可加剧哮喘以及过敏性,自身免疫性和炎性疾病,尽管这类疾病应通过免疫抑制来缓解。此外,短期战斗或逃避应激反应是自然界的基本防御机制之一,能够使心血管和肌肉骨骼系统促进生存,并且这种反应不太可能在最需要的时候抑制免疫功能。生存(例如,响应掠食者或侵略者的受伤和感染)。这些观察结果表明,压力可能在某些情况下抑制免疫功能,而在其他情况下增强免疫功能。压力的影响可能是有益的,也可能是有害的,具体取决于受影响的免疫反应的类型(免疫保护,免疫调节/抑制或免疫病理学)。研究表明,几个关键因素会影响压力或压力激素对免疫功能的影响方向(增强与抑制):(1)压力持续时间(急性与慢性):在应激时经历的急性或短期压力免疫激活的时间可以增强先天性和适应性免疫反应。慢性或长期应激可通过减少免疫细胞数量和功能和/或增加活性免疫抑制机制(例如调节性T细胞)来抑制免疫力。慢性应激还可以通过促进促炎和2型细胞因子驱动的反应来调节免疫功能。 (2)应激对白细胞分布的影响:急性应激期间富含免疫细胞的隔室显示出免疫增强作用,而白细胞减少的那些则显示出免疫抑制作用。 (3)糖皮质激素的生理与药理浓度的差异作用,以及内源性糖皮质激素与合成糖皮质激素的差异作用:生理浓度的内源激素具有免疫增强作用。药理浓度的内源激素和合成激素具有免疫抑制作用。 (4)相对于激活时间和免疫反应时间进程而言,应激源或应激激素暴露的时机:在免疫激活的早期阶段遇到急性应激时,可以观察到免疫增强,而在免疫激活的后期阶段则可以观察到免疫抑制。免疫反应。我们建议,重要的是研究并且尽可能在临床上利用急性应激反应的免疫增强作用,正如我们研究进化尚未适应的不良适应后果(慢性应激)一样,将进化精心雕刻为生存机制。解决。鉴于压力的普遍性及其对免疫保护和免疫病理学的显着影响,重要的是进一步阐明介导压力-免疫相互作用的机制,并有意义地将实验结果从实验台转移到床旁。



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