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Examining the Designs of New Japanese Cars - 4 New K-cars Production Models and Concept Cars


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The second generation of new standard K-cars K-cars, which support the demand for automobiles in Japan from the bottom, actually account for a 25% share of the passenger car market. A means of transport for small businesses and the masses, they were given preferential tax and insurance treatment, but their engines are limited to a maximum displacement of 660 cc. In the fall of 1998, their body size was increased to 3400 × 1480 mm in order to improve safety, and all the car companies developed and launched new models conforming to the new regulations. With the extended recession, the popularity of K-cars has increased, and wagon types with tallboy packages in particular-have been selling steadily.
机译:第二代新标准K型轿车K型轿车从根本上满足了日本对汽车的需求,实际上占据了乘用车市场25%的份额。作为小企业和群众的运输工具,他们获得了优惠的税收和保险待遇,但其发动机的最大排量限制为660 cc。 1998年秋天,为了提高安全性,它们的车身尺寸增加到3400×1480毫米,所有汽车公司开发并推出了符合新规定的新车型。随着经济衰退的加剧,K车的受欢迎程度有所提高,尤其是带有高个子行李箱的旅行车销售稳定。



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