首页> 外文期刊>Neuropsychologia >Category-specific) semantic deficit in Alzheimer's patients: the role of semantic distance.

Category-specific) semantic deficit in Alzheimer's patients: the role of semantic distance.


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A semantic battery comprising items from living and nonliving categories was administered to a sample of subjects suffering from probable Alzheimer's type dementia (n=20). The results were analyzed to test the role of semantic distance in predicting group accuracy and its possible causal link with the phenomenon of a category-specific deficit for living things in the experimental population. Our findings confirm a category effect favoring nonliving items (over and above the role of confounding variables) in patients with Alzheimer's disease and support the major role of an imbalance of semantic distance in the testing material in the genesis of this phenomenon.
机译:对来自可能患有阿尔茨海默氏型痴呆症(n = 20)的受试者的样本进行了包括来自生活和非生活类别的项目的语义组合。分析结果以检验语义距离在预测群体准确性中的作用及其与实验人群中生物的特定类别缺陷现象之间可能的因果关系。我们的研究结果证实了阿尔茨海默氏病患者偏爱非生命项目的类别效应(超出混杂变量的作用),并支持了这种现象的发生中测试材料中语义距离失衡的主要作用。



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