首页> 外文期刊>Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology >Heart rate changes reveal that little blue penguin chicks (Eudyptulaminor) can use vocal signatures to discriminate familiar from unfamiliarchicks

Heart rate changes reveal that little blue penguin chicks (Eudyptulaminor) can use vocal signatures to discriminate familiar from unfamiliarchicks

机译:心率变化表明,很少有蓝色企鹅雏鸟(Eudyptula Minor)可以使用声音特征来将熟悉的雏鸟与陌生的雏鸟区分开

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Researchers investigating social recognition typically measure only behavioural responses during discrimination tests - physiological changes have been largely ignored. We examined whether little blue penguin chicks (Eudyptula minor) could distinguish siblings from other chicks using auditory cues, by measuring behavioural and heart rate changes during playback experiments. Chicks were exposed to five treatments: the begging calls of siblings, neighbouring chicks and unfamiliar chicks, and two controls (heterospecific begging calls and music). We also determined if chicks developed distinctive begging calls, by using F-ratios to quantify inter- versus intra-individual variability in a range of acoustic parameters. and applying a discriminant-function analysis. Inter-individual variation was greater for pitch than for temporal or amplitude parameters, suggesting that call pitch may be important for individual recognition. The discriminant-function analysis showed each chick's calls were distinctive and could act as a vocal signature. Treatments did not instigate different behavioural responses. However, chick heart rates during playback of sibling calls were significantly higher than those recorded during stranger, but not neighbour, playback. A simple recognition system based on familiarity may allow this plesiomorphic and loosely colonial penguin to gain at least some of the benefits associated with more advanced sibling recognition systems (some highly colonial seabirds discriminate siblings from neighbouring chicks). Heart rate could be a useful measure of social recognition abilities, particularly in species when changes in behaviour are not always evident or are difficult to observe.
机译:研究社会认可度的研究人员通常仅在歧视测试期间测量行为反应-生理变化已被很大程度上忽略。我们通过测量回放实验过程中的行为和心率变化,检查了小的蓝企鹅小鸡(Eudyptula minor)是否可以通过听觉提示将兄弟姐妹与其他小鸡区分开。对小鸡进行五种治疗:兄弟姐妹,邻居小鸡和陌生小鸡的乞讨声望,以及两个对照(异性的乞讨声望和音乐)。我们还通过使用F比率量化一系列声学参数中个体间差异与个体内变异性,来确定小鸡是否发出了独特的乞讨声。并应用判别函数分析。音调的个体间差异大于时间或幅度参数的个体差异,这表明呼叫音调对于个人识别可能很重要。判别功能分析表明,每只小鸡的叫声是独特的,可以充当声音特征。治疗没有引起不同的行为反应。但是,同级呼叫播放期间的小鸡心率显着高于陌生人而非邻居播放期间记录的小鸡心率。一个基于熟悉度的简单识别系统可以使这种多形和散落的企鹅获得至少一些与更高级的兄弟姐妹识别系统相关的好处(一些高度殖民地的海鸟将兄弟姐妹与相邻小鸡区分开)。心率可能是衡量社会认可能力的有用指标,尤其是在行为变化不总是显而易见或难以观察的物种中。



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