首页> 外文期刊>Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology >Behavioral and demographic changes following the loss of the breeding female in cooperatively breeding marmaosets

Behavioral and demographic changes following the loss of the breeding female in cooperatively breeding marmaosets


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Recent models of the evolution and dynamics of family structure in cooperatively breeding vertebrates predict that the opening of breeding vacancies in cooperatively breeding groups will result in (1) dispersal movements to fill the reproductive position, and (2) withingroup conflict over access to reproduction. We describe the behavioral and demographic changes that followed the creation of breeding vacancies in three wild groups of cooperatively breeding common marmosets (Cakkutgrix jacchus). Replacement of the breeding female was rapid when no adult females remained in the group, but did not occur for several months when other adult females were present. Aggression of adult animals towards same-sex potential immigrants was associated with a period of reduced affiliation, increased intragroup agonism, no intragroup sexual behavior, and frequent extragroup copulations. This ended with the fissioning of groups along sexual lines. After replacement, multiple males copulated with multiple females and vice versa, with no increases in sexually related aggression. Female-female conflict was resolved through infanticide. the lack of direct conflict between males is consistent with cooperative polyandry. After a breeding vacancy appeared, marmoset groups showed conflict of interests among group members similar to those shown by cooperatively breeding birds, but they used different behavioral mechanisms to resolve those conflicts. Our data provide important evidence from a cooperatively breeding mammalto support Emlen's model for the evolution of vertebrate families, but they suggest that species-specific inter- and intrasexual competitive strategies should be considered before the model can be applied to other cooperatively breeding vertebrates.
机译:合作繁殖脊椎动物的家族结构的进化和动力学的最新模型预测,合作繁殖群体中的繁殖空缺的开放将导致(1)分散运动以填补生殖位置,(2)群体内部对获得繁殖的冲突。我们描述了在合作繁殖普通of猴(Cakkutgrix jacchus)的三个野生群体中产生繁殖空缺后的行为和人口变化。当该组中没有成年雌性时,繁殖雌性的更换很快,但是当存在其他成年雌性时,几个月没有发生。成年动物向同性潜在移民的侵略与一段时期的隶属关系减少,群体内激动增加,群体内无性行为以及频繁的群体外交配有关。最终,各群体按照性倾向分裂。更换后,多名男性与多名女性交配,反之亦然,而与性相关的攻击没有增加。通过杀婴解决了男女冲突。男性之间缺乏直接冲突与合作制一夫多妻制相一致。出现繁殖空缺后,mar猴群体的成员之间出现了利益冲突,类似于合作繁殖鸟类所表现出的利益冲突,但是它们使用不同的行为机制来解决这些冲突。我们的数据从合作繁殖的哺乳动物提供了重要的证据,以支持Emlen的脊椎动物家族进化模型,但他们建议在将该模型应用于其他合作繁殖的脊椎动物之前,应考虑物种特异性的性别竞争和内部竞争策略。



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