首页> 外文期刊>Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology >The influence of potential reproductive rate and variation in mate quality on male and female choosiness in the sand goby, Pomatoschistus minutus

The influence of potential reproductive rate and variation in mate quality on male and female choosiness in the sand goby, Pomatoschistus minutus

机译:潜在繁殖速率和配偶质量变化对虾虎鱼Pomatoschistus minutus雌雄选择的影响

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Recent models of choice have identified two particularly important factors: the potential reproductive rate (PRR) of the choosing sex relative to that of the chosen sex. and the variation in quality of potential mates. This experinmental study tested how these factors affected choosines in male and female sand gobies. Pomatoschistus minutus. We manipulated relative PRR by means of water temperature, and mate quality by means of body length. The choosing male or female was offered a choice between two mates with either a small or a large difference in body length representing a small or a large variation in mate quality. Choosiness was measured as (1) preference for the larger mate, and (2) as whether or not spawning occurred with the smaller mate,while the large mate was visible but screened off. We found that females preferred large males, and that their level of choosiness was affected by variation in male quality, but not by their own relative PRR. Males, on the other hand, seemed unselectivein all treatments and were in general more likely than females to spawn with their provided partner. This suggests that in the sand goby, variation in male mate quality has a greater influence than relative PRR on facultative changes in female choodiness. However, a general difference in PRR between males and females may be one important factor explaining the observed sex difference in choosiness.



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