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Slow and steady growth: Tortillas, taco shells sales gradually march upward


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Although it is a modest-sized segment of the grain-based foods industry when compared with bread or cookies, the tortilla category — hard, soft and refrigerated — is moving product at a solid pace. In the 52 weeks ended March 20, dollar sales of hard/soft tortillas/ taco kits totaled 1,351,909,000, down a shade less than 1% from the same period a year ago, but unit sales were 637,407,400, up 1%, according to Sym-phonylRI Group, a Chicago-based market research firm. Strength in the segment was generated by General Mills, Inc., Minneapolis, the No. 3 player with dollar and unit sales of 155,786,600 and 68,867,740, respectively, and then a handful of smaller companies, including Ole Mexican Foods, Inc.; La Tortilla Factory, Inc.; B&GsFoods Inc.; Hormel Foods and Calidad Foods, Inc. Private label also chipped in, with dollar sales of 119,533,200, up 0.96%, and unit sales of 73,797,900, up 0.71%.
机译:尽管与面包或饼干相比,它是谷物食品行业的一个中等规模的细分市场,但玉米饼类别(硬,软和冷藏)正在稳步推动产品发展。截至3月20日的52周内,硬/软玉米饼/炸玉米饼套件的美元销售额总计1,351,909,000,比去年同期下降了不到1%,但单位销售额为637,407,400,增长了1%。 phonylRI Group,总部位于芝加哥的市场研究公司。该细分市场的实力来自于排名第三的明尼阿波利斯通用磨坊公司,其美元和单位销售额分别为155,786,600美元和68,867,740美元,然后是一些较小的公司,包括Ole Mexican Foods,Inc.。拉玉米饼厂有限公司; B&GsFoods Inc .;私人品牌也出现了变化,美元销售额为119,533,200美元,增长0.96%,单位销售额为73,797,900美元,增长0.71%。



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