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Web- or paper-based portfolios: is there a difference?


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the differential effects of a paper-based versus a web-based portfolio in terms of portfolio quality, user-friendliness and student motivation. METHODS: An experimental design was used to compare Year 1 medical students' reflective portfolios. The portfolios differed in presentation medium only (i.e. web-based versus paper-based). Content analysis, a student questionnaire and mentor interviews were used to evaluate portfolio quality, user-friendliness and student motivation. A total of 92 portfolios were scored independently by 2 raters using a portfolio quality-rating instrument. RESULTS: Portfolio structure, quality of reflection and quality of evidence showed no significant effects of presentation medium. Multi-level analysis showed a significant effect for student motivation: web-based portfolios scored 0.39 more than paper-based portfolios (P < 0.05; effect size 0.76). The mentors reported no differences in portfolio quality, except that there were more visuals in web-basedportfolios. Students spent significantly more time preparing the web-based than the paper-based portfolios (15.4 hours versus 12.2 hours; t = 2.1, P < 0.05; effect size 0.46). The 2 student groups did not differ significantly in terms of their satisfaction with the portfolio. The mentors perceived the web-based portfolios as more user-friendly. CONCLUSIONS: The web-based portfolios were found to enhance students' motivation, were more user-friendly for mentors, and delivered the same content quality compared with paper-based portfolios. This suggests that web-based presentation may promote acceptance of portfolios by students and teachers alike.
机译:目的:确定纸质作品集和基于网络的作品集在作品集质量,用户友好性和学生动机方面的不同影响。方法:采用实验设计来比较一年级医学生的反思性档案袋。这些投资组合仅在展示媒体上有所不同(即基于网络的与基于纸张的)。内容分析,学生问卷和导师访谈被用来评估作品集质量,用户友好性和学生动机。共有92个投资组合由2个评估者使用投资组合质量评分工具分别进行了评分。结果:投资组合的结构,反思的质量和证据的质量都没有表现媒介的显着影响。多层次分析显示了对学生动机的显着影响:基于网络的投资组合比基于纸质的投资组合得分高0.39(P <0.05;影响大小为0.76)。导师报告说,投资组合质量没有差异,只是基于Web的作品集中有更多的视觉效果。与基于纸质的档案袋相比,与基于纸质的档案袋相比,学生花费更多的时间来准备基于网络的档案袋(15.4小时vs 12.2小时; t = 2.1,P <0.05;效果大小0.46)。这两个学生群体在对作品集的满意度上并没有显着差异。指导者认为基于Web的投资组合更加用户友好。结论:与基于纸质的档案袋相比,基于Web的档案袋被发现可以增强学生的学习动机,对导师更友好,并提供相同的内容质量。这表明基于网络的演示可以促进学生和老师的接受书包。



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