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Development and integration of CAL: a case study in medicine.


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CONTEXT: The Faculty of Medicine and Medical Sciences at the University of Aberdeen viewed the use of Computer Assisted Leaning (CAL) and other IT based learning resources as a possible way of coping with an increase in student numbers whilst maintaining or increasing the quality of medical teaching. OBJECTIVES: Our primary objective was to develop and integrate Computer Assisted Learning (CAL) applications into the undergraduate medical curriculum. SUBJECTS/MATERIALS: A wide spectrum of CAL applications were developed dealing with many topics in the curriculum. METHODS: We formulated a structured approach to CAL development by establishing a team of professionals (forming a CAL Unit), using existing expertise and by implementing a process to ensure that the CAL had a maximum impact upon the curriculum. The CAL included multimedia tutorials, learning guides, computer aided assessment (CAA) and Model Patients. RESULTS: There are now over 150 IT based learning resources in our curriculum and course evaluation has showed that these have been well received by students. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that with the wise use of the many skills and facilities usually available within an institution and by promoting collaborative projects with others, the production of high quality CAL is possible within most institutions.
机译:背景:阿伯丁大学医学与医学学院认为使用计算机辅助学习(CAL)和其他基于IT的学习资源是应对学生人数增加,同时保持或提高医学质量的一种可能方式教学。目标:我们的主要目标是开发和将计算机辅助学习(CAL)应用程序集成到本科医学课程中。主题/材料:针对课程中的许多主题,开发了各种各样的CAL应用程序。方法:我们通过建立一支专业团队(组成CAL部门),使用现有专业知识并实施确保CAL对课程产生最大影响的过程,制定了一种结构化的CAL开发方法。 CAL包括多媒体教程,学习指南,计算机辅助评估(CAA)和模型患者。结果:我们的课程中现在有150多个基于IT的学习资源,课程评估表明,这些资源已受到学生的好评。结论:我们得出结论,通过合理使用机构中通常可用的许多技能和设施,以及通过促进与他人的合作项目,在大多数机构中都可以生产高质量的CAL。



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