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Using Active Learning for Speeding up Calibration in Simulation Models


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Background. Most cancer simulation models include unobservable parameters that determine disease onset and tumor growth. These parameters play an important role in matching key outcomes such as cancer incidence and mortality, and their values are typically estimated via a lengthy calibration procedure, which involves evaluating a large number of combinations of parameter values via simulation. The objective of this study is to demonstrate how machine learning approaches can be used to accelerate the calibration process by reducing the number of parameter combinations that are actually evaluated. Methods. Active learning is a popular machine learning method that enables a learning algorithm such as artificial neural networks to interactively choose which parameter combinations to evaluate. We developed an active learning algorithm to expedite the calibration process. Our algorithm determines the parameter combinations that are more likely to produce desired outputs and therefore reduces the number of simulation runs performed during calibration. We demonstrate our method using the previously developed University of Wisconsin breast cancer simulation model (UWBCS). Results. In a recent study, calibration of the UWBCS required the evaluation of 378 000 input parameter combinations to build a race-specific model, and only 69 of these combinations produced results that closely matched observed data. By using the active learning algorithm in conjunction with standard calibration methods, we identify all 69 parameter combinations by evaluating only 5620 of the 378 000 combinations. Conclusion. Machine learning methods hold potential in guiding model developers in the selection of more promising parameter combinations and hence speeding up the calibration process. Applying our machine learning algorithm to one model shows that evaluating only 1.49% of all parameter combinations would be sufficient for the calibration.
机译:背景。大多数癌症模拟模型都包含确定疾病发作和肿瘤生长的不可观察参数。这些参数在匹配关键结果(例如癌症发生率和死亡率)中起着重要作用,它们的值通常通过冗长的校准程序来估算,该过程涉及通过仿真评估大量参数值的组合。这项研究的目的是演示如何通过减少实际评估的参数组合的数量来使用机器学习方法来加速校准过程。方法。主动学习是一种流行的机器学习方法,它使诸如人工神经网络之类的学习算法能够交互地选择要评估的参数组合。我们开发了一种主动学习算法来加快校准过程。我们的算法确定了更可能产生所需输出的参数组合,因此减少了校准期间执行的模拟运行次数。我们使用先前开发的威斯康星大学乳腺癌模拟模型(UWBCS)展示了我们的方法。结果。在最近的一项研究中,UWBCS的校准要求评估378 000个输入参数组合以建立特定种族的模型,其中只有69个组合产生的结果与观察到的数据非常匹配。通过将主动学习算法与标准校准方法结合使用,我们仅通过评估378 000个组合中的5620个来识别所有69个参数组合。结论。机器学习方法在指导模型开发人员选择更有希望的参数组合方面具有潜力,因此可以加快校准过程。将我们的机器学习算法应用于一个模型表明,仅评估所有参数组合的1.49%就足以进行校准。



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