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Unicut Precision hosts delegation from Citizen Japan

机译:Unicut Precision接待日本公民代表团

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Visitors from Citizen in Japan were keen to see at first hand how Unicut Precision was taking full advantage of its 14 Citizen CNC sliding-head automatic lathes. The visitors also heard views and opinions concerning future machine development that could be of benefit to further increase productivity on the type of work being produced at the Welwyn Garden City company. The delegation of 12, several of whom were visiting the UK for the first time, made this reciprocal visit timed to include a group meeting at the NC Engineering offices in Watford and followed visits by Unicut's joint managing directors Jason Nicholson and Charles Kenny to the Citizen plant in Karuizawa, Japan.
机译:来自日本Citizen的参观者急切地希望看到Unicut Precision如何充分利用其14台Citizen CNC滑动头自动车床。参观者还听取了有关未来机器开发的观点和意见,这可能有助于进一步提高Welwyn Garden City公司正在生产的工作类型的生产率。 12人组成的代表团中有几个人是首次访问英国,这次互访包括在沃特福德的NC工程办公室举行小组会议,随后是Unicut的联合董事总经理Jason Nicholson和Charles Kenny访问了公民。日本轻井泽的工厂。



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