首页> 外文期刊>Canadian journal of anesthesia: Journal canadien d'anesthesie >Baseline heart rate may predict hypotension after spinal anesthesia in prehydrated obstetrical patients.

Baseline heart rate may predict hypotension after spinal anesthesia in prehydrated obstetrical patients.


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PURPOSE: Hypotension is the most frequent complication of spinal anesthesia in pregnant patients. This study was designed to identify patients at risk for postspinal hypotension based on preoperative vital signs before and after an orthostatic challenge. METHODS: Forty healthy women scheduled for elective Cesarean section were enrolled in this prospective trial. Blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) were recorded with the patient in the lateral supine position and after standing up. After a bupivacaine spinal anesthetic, BP was obtained every two minutes for 30 min. Ephedrine treatment was administered based on the degree of hypotension observed. Hemodynamic parameters were correlated to ephedrine requirements (Spearman's rank order correlation). RESULTS: There was a significant correlation in baseline maternal HR and ephedrine requirements (P=0.005). The degree of orthostatic changes in mean arterial BP and HR did not correlate with postspinal hypotension. CONCLUSIONS: Baseline HR may be predictive of obstetric spinal hypotension. Higher baseline HR, possibly reflecting a higher sympathetic tone, may be a useful parameter to predict postspinal hypotension.
机译:目的:低血压是孕妇中最常见的脊柱麻醉并发症。这项研究旨在根据体位性挑战前后的术前生命体征确定有脊柱后低血压风险的患者。方法:本次前瞻性研究纳入了计划行剖宫产术的四十名健康女性。记录患者仰卧位和站立后的血压(BP)和心率(HR)。布比卡因脊柱麻醉后,每两分钟获取一次BP,持续30分钟。根据观察到的低血压程度进行麻黄碱治疗。血流动力学参数与麻黄碱需求相关(Spearman等级顺序相关)。结果:基线母体HR和麻黄碱需求存在显着相关性(P = 0.005)。平均动脉血压和心率的体位性改变程度与脊柱后低血压无关。结论:基线HR可预测产科脊髓低血压。较高的基线HR(可能反映较高的交感神经张力)可能是预测脊髓后低血压的有用参数。



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