首页> 外文期刊>Fruit & Veg Tech >Pythium in hydroponics can be tackled

Pythium in hydroponics can be tackled


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Pythium is among one of the worst soil-borne diseases all over the world, both in soil and in closed systems. This is even more so in warmer climates, where the nutrient solution temperature goes up in summer, causing plant stress. Brazilian researchers are developing methods for crop protection based on ozone, antagonists or silicon. Every summer the story repeats itself, be it hydro-ponies, NFT or substrate, part of the salads' production is lost to Pythium and other diseases. As temperature goes up, production and quality goes down, while prices go up. Suppliers scramble to secure produce only to find out almost everybody has the same problem. Even as most vegetable-producing zones in Brazil are in cooler zones around urban centers, summers are still a problem. If it isn't the heat it's the rain, or more commonly both combined.



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