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Individual Tree-Based Diameter Growth Model of Slash Pine in Florida Using Nonlinear Mixed Modeling


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Field trials have been installed in the southeast United States in an effort to better understand the best harvesting techniques for the conversion of even-aged stands into uneven-aged stands. Another approach is to use simulation modeling of forest growth and harvest, which provides projected estimates on the best techniques. The objective of this study was to develop a spatially explicit diameter growth model that can be used in a forest growth simulator for testing different harvest regimes for stand conversion of slash pine (Pinus elliottii Engelm.). We fit various linear and nonlinear models of growth and select the best model based on several fit statistics. The best model was further improved by including a random effect in a nonlinear mixedmodeling approach. Predictions from models were validated using a leave-one-out cross-validation approach. Our best model did not include stand density measures such as total basal area per ha, and after a random effect was included in the model, the term explaining the stand-level effect of site index was insignificant. The final model included effects for initial height, diameter, and the modified Hegyi index for diameter. This model will be useful for simulating the dynamics of an uneven-aged stand.
机译:美国东南部已经进行了田间试验,以更好地了解将均匀年龄的林分转变为不均匀年龄的林分的最佳收获技术。另一种方法是使用森林生长和采伐的模拟模型,该模型提供了有关最佳技术的预计估算。这项研究的目的是开发一个空间显式的直径增长模型,该模型可以在森林生长模拟器中用于测试不同的采伐方式来进行深松的林分转化(Pinus elliottii Engelm。)。我们拟合各种线性和非线性增长模型,并根据多个拟合统计量选择最佳模型。通过在非线性混合建模方法中包括随机效应,进一步改善了最佳模型。来自模型的预测使用留一法交叉验证方法进行验证。我们最好的模型不包括林分密度测量,例如每公顷总基础面积,并且在模型中包含随机效应之后,解释站点指数的林分水平效应的术语微不足道。最终模型包括初始高度,直径和修改后的直径的Hegyi指数的影响。该模型对于模拟不均匀老化机架的动力学很有用。



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