首页> 外文期刊>Canadian family physician: Medecin de famille canadien >Why continuity matters: Ian McWhinney's insights for 21st-century medical education [Pourquoi la continuité est-elle si importante? Réflexions d'Ian McWhinney sur l'éducation médicale au 21e siècle]

Why continuity matters: Ian McWhinney's insights for 21st-century medical education [Pourquoi la continuité est-elle si importante? Réflexions d'Ian McWhinney sur l'éducation médicale au 21e siècle]

机译:为什么连续性很重要:Ian McWhinney对21世纪医学教育的见解[为什么连续性如此重要?伊恩·麦克维尼(Ian McWhinney)对21世纪医学教育的思考]

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Dr Ian McWhinney's (1926-2012) deep reflection on his own experience of 14 years in full-time general practice and his wide reading in medicine, philosophy, education, and the humanities gave him an unparalleled understanding of family medicine as a unique discipline and how best to prepare its practitioners. In the limitations of a short article, we cannot describe McWhinney's numerous contributions to the development of postgraduate education for family practice; instead we will concentrate on his insights about the central importance of continuity in learning to be a family doctor.
机译:Ian McWhinney博士(1926-2012)对自己在全日制普通医学领域14年的经验以及对医学,哲学,教育和人文学科的广泛阅读的深刻反思使他对家庭医学作为一门独特的学科有着无与伦比的理解,如何最好地准备其从业人员。在简短的文章中,我们无法描述McWhinney对发展家庭实践研究生教育的众多贡献。相反,我们将集中于他对继续学习成为家庭医生至关重要的见解。



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