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Planar cell polarity and tissue design Shaping the Drosophila wing membrane


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Planar cell polarity (PCP) describes the orientation of a cell within the plane of an epithelial cell layer. During tissue development, epithelial cells normally align their PCP so that they face in the same direction. This alignment allows cells to move in a common direction, or to generate structures with a common orientation. A classic system for studying the coordination of epithelial PCP is the developing Drosophila wing. The alignment of epithelial PCP during pupal wing development allows the production of an array of cell hairs that point towards the wing tip. Multiple studies have established that the Frizzled (Fz) PCP signaling pathway coordinates wing PCP. Recently, we have found that the same pathway also controls the formation of ridges on the Drosophila wing membrane. However, in contrast to hair polarity, ridge orientation differs between the anterior and posterior wing. How can the Fz PCP pathway generate a different relationship between hair and ridge orientation in different parts of the wing? In this Extra View article, we discuss membrane ridge development drawing upon our recent PLoS Genetics paper and other, published and unpublished, data. We also speculate upon how our findings impact the ongoing debate concerning the interaction of the Fz PCP and Fat/Dachsous pathways in the control of PCP.
机译:平面细胞极性(PCP)描述了上皮细胞层平面内细胞的方向。在组织发育过程中,上皮细胞通常会对齐其PCP,以使它们面向相同的方向。这种对准允许细胞沿相同方向移动,或生成具有相同方向的结构。用于研究上皮PCP配位的经典系统是果蝇翅。 p翼发育过程中上皮PCP的排列可产生指向翼尖的一系列细胞毛。多项研究已经确定,卷曲(Fz)PCP信号传导途径协调机翼PCP。最近,我们发现相同的途径也控制果蝇翼膜上的脊的形成。但是,与头发极性相反,前翼和后翼之间的脊取向不同。 Fz PCP途径如何在翼的不同部分中的毛发和脊取向之间产生不同的关系?在这篇Extra View文章中,我们将根据最近的PLoS Genetics论文以及其他已发表和未发表的数据来讨论膜的发育。我们还推测我们的发现如何影响正在进行的有关Fz PCP和脂肪/ Dachsous途径在PCP控制中相互作用的争论。



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