首页> 外文期刊>FEMS Yeast Research >Alcohol-conferred hemolysis in yeast is a consequence of increased respiratory burden

Alcohol-conferred hemolysis in yeast is a consequence of increased respiratory burden


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We have previously reported that growth on alcohol vapors confers hemolytic properties on certain yeast species and strains ('microbial alcohol conferred hemolysis'; MACH). Here, a Saccharomyces cerevisiae deletion library consisting of c. 4800 clones was screened for MACH mutants in the presence of n-butanol vapors; 136 mutants were MACH-negative, and 325 exhibited reduced hemolysis and/or growth. Of the MACH-negative mutants, 35.3% were affected in mitochondrial-related genes. The data suggest that intact mitochondrial and respiratory chain functions are critical for the observed MACH phenomenon. We propose that the uncontrolled cellular uptake of alcohol results in yeast 'hyper-respiration', leading to elaboration of hemolytic molecules such as hydrogen peroxide and hemolysis-causing lipids. To support this premise, we showed that: (1) exogenous catalase and glutathione reduce alcohol-conferred hemolysis in S. cerevisiae BY4741 and Candida tropicalis 59445; (2) C. tropicalis produces hydrogen peroxide following growth on ethanol and n-butanol, as shown using xylenol orange; and (3) a lysophospholipid-containing lipid extract from alcohol-grown C. tropicalis specifically causes hemolysis.
机译:我们以前曾报道过,酒精蒸气的生长赋予某些酵母菌种和菌株以溶血特性(“微生物酒精赋予溶血作用”; MACH)。在这里,由酿酒酵母组成的酿酒酵母缺失文库。在正丁醇蒸气存在下,筛选了4800个克隆的MACH突变体。 136个突变体是MACH阴性的,而325个突变体的溶血和/或生长减少。在MACH阴性突变体中,35.3%的线粒体相关基因受到影响。数据表明,完整的线粒体和呼吸链功能对于观察到的MACH现象至关重要。我们认为,酒精对细胞的无节制摄取会导致酵母“过度呼吸”,从而导致溶血分子如过氧化氢和引起溶血的脂质形成。为支持这一前提,我们表明:(1)外源过氧化氢酶和谷胱甘肽减少了酿酒酵母BY4741和热带假丝酵母59445中的酒精赋予的溶血作用; (2)如在使用二甲苯酚橙中所示,热带假丝酵母在乙醇和正丁醇上生长后产生过氧化氢; (3)来自酒精生长的热带假丝酵母的含有溶血磷脂的脂质提取物特异性地引起溶血。



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