首页> 外文期刊>Grass and forage science: the journal of the British Grassland Society. >Characterizing and predicting plant phenology in species-rich grasslands

Characterizing and predicting plant phenology in species-rich grasslands


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The use of plant phenology for determining the timing of management practices is poorly understood in species-rich grasslands. The objectives were to assess the effect of management practices on the dates at which phenological stages occur and to compare different methods of calculating the growing degree-days in order to predict them. Dates at which phenological stages of plant species occurred were recorded and plant strategy for resource capture and use was assessed through measurements of the dry matter content of leaves in two experiments in regions with contrasting climatic conditions. In Experiment 1, conducted near Toulouse, France, a set of 31 species was sown in pure stands at two levels of N availability. In Experiment 2, a network of 18 permanent grasslands, located in the French Pyrenees, was studied. In both experiments, the dry matter content of leaves, and flowering and ripening times, were measured. In Experiment 1, the dates on which a given phenological stage occurred were correlated with one another, and the grass species showed a significant ranking of dry weight of leaves for these dates. In Experiment 2, the difference between average flowering times of plant communities was shown to be around 40 d and resulted more from the species composition of the plant community than from their sensitivity to management practices. Plant communities were significantly ranked by dry weight of leaves for their flowering time. The minimum and maximum base temperatures which minimized the growing degree-days between the two locations were 0 and 25pC, respectively, and the most appropriate date from which to start to accumulate temperatures was found to be 1 February.
机译:在物种丰富的草原上,人们不太了解使用植物物候学来确定管理实践的时机。目的是评估管理实践对物候期发生日期的影响,并比较不同的计算生长日数的方法,以便对其进行预测。记录植物物种物候阶段发生的日期,并通过在气候条件相反的区域进行的两次实验中,通过测量叶片的干物质含量,评估植物获取和利用资源的策略。在法国图卢兹附近进行的实验1中,在纯林中播种了31种,氮素利用率达到两个水平。在实验2中,研究了位于法国比利牛斯山脉的18个永久草地的网络。在两个实验中,均测量了叶子的干物质含量以及开花和成熟时间。在实验1中,给定物候阶段发生的日期相互关联,并且草种在这些日期显示出叶干重的显着排名。在实验2中,植物群落的平均开花时间之间的差异显示为40 d左右,其原因更多是植物群落的物种组成,而不是其对管理实践的敏感性。植物群落在其开花时间以叶片的干重明显地排名。使两个位置之间的生长度-天数最小的最低和最高基准温度分别是0和25pC,发现开始累积温度的最合适日期是2月1日。



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