首页> 外文期刊>Grass and forage science: the journal of the British Grassland Society. >Interactions of slope and canopy of herbage of three herbage species on transport of faecal indicator bacteria by rain splash

Interactions of slope and canopy of herbage of three herbage species on transport of faecal indicator bacteria by rain splash


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The movement of faecal pathogens from land to surface and ground-water are of great interest because of the public and livestock health implications. Knowledge of canopy structure and how it might be managed to help mitigate nutrient and pathogen movement in pasture is needed to create management practices that balance livestock production with environmental benefits. An experiment was conducted using a rainfall-simulating device to test whether canopy structure of species common to pastures in Appalachia, USA could be managed to influence dispersion of faecal pathogens. Seven pots (30-cm diameter) of white clover, orchardgrass and perennial ryegrass were lined up on horizontal and sloping surfaces under a rainfall simulator. The centre pot was inoculated at the soil surface with 4 x 10p# faecal coliform bacteria (FC) just before rainfall simulation started. The species were maintained under short, moderate and tall canopy management treatments. White clover exhibited the greatest rates of lateral and vertical dispersion of FC into the canopy, especially in the short canopy management treatment following 30 min of rainfall (about 40 mm). Low concentrations of faecal coliform bacteria also dispersed into the canopies of the grass species but the differences in concentration of FC between the grass species were not different. When the proportion of white clover in a pasture is high, the canopy should be relatively taller to reduce the likelihood of infection associated with faecal coliform-contaminated herbage.
机译:粪便病原体从土地到地表和地下水的运动引起人们极大的兴趣,因为这对公众和牲畜健康都有影响。需要有关冠层结构的知识,以及如何管理冠层结构以减轻牧草中养分和病原体的移动,以建立平衡畜牧业生产和环境效益的管理方法。使用降雨模拟设备进行了一项实验,以测试是否可以管理美国阿巴拉契亚州草场常见物种的冠层结构,以影响粪便病原体的扩散。在降雨模拟器下,将七个盆(直径30厘米)的白三叶草,果园和多年生黑麦草排列在水平和倾斜的表面上。在开始降雨模拟之前,将中心盆在土壤表面接种4 x 10p#粪便大肠菌(FC)。该树种在短,中,高冠层处理下得到维持。白三叶草表现出FC向树冠的横向和垂直散布率最高,尤其是在降雨30分钟(约40毫米)后进行的短树冠处理中。低浓度的粪便大肠菌群细菌也散布在草种的树冠中,但是草种之间的FC浓度差异没有差异。当牧场中白三叶草的比例较高时,树冠应相对较高,以减少与粪便大肠菌污染的草相关的感染可能性。



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