首页> 外文期刊>British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology >Treatment of patients with cocaine-induced arrhythmias: bringing the bench to the bedside.

Treatment of patients with cocaine-induced arrhythmias: bringing the bench to the bedside.


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Widespread use of cocaine and its attendant toxicity has produced a wealth of benchwork studies and small animal investigations that evaluated the effects of cocaine on the cardiovascular system. Despite this wealth of knowledge, very little is known about the frequency or types of arrhythmias in patients with significant cocaine toxicity. The likely aetiologies; catecholamine excess, sodium channel blockade, potassium channel blockade, calcium channel effects, or ischaemia may act alone or in concert to produce a vast array of clinical findings that are modulated by hyperthermia, acidosis, hypoxia and electrolyte abnormalities. The initial paper in the series by Wood & Dargan providing the epidemiological framework of cocaine use and abuse is followed by a detailed review of the electrophysiological effects of cocaine by O'Leary & Hancox. This review is designed to complement the previous papers and focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of patients with cocaine-associated arrhythmias.
机译:可卡因的广泛使用及其伴随的毒性产生了大量的基准研究和小型动物研究,这些研究评估了可卡因对心血管系统的影响。尽管有如此丰富的知识,但对可卡因毒性很大的患者的心律不齐的频率或类型知之甚少。可能的病因;儿茶酚胺过量,钠离子通道阻滞,钾离子通道阻滞,钙离子通道效应或局部缺血可单独或共同发挥作用,以产生大量由高热,酸中毒,缺氧和电解质异常调节的临床发现。 Wood&Dargan在该系列的第一篇文章中提供了可卡因使用和滥用的流行病学框架,随后是O'Leary&Hancox对可卡因的电生理效应的详细综述。这篇综述旨在补充以前的论文,重点在于可卡因相关性心律失常患者的诊断和治疗。



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