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Metatool 5.0: fast and flexible elementary modes analysis

机译:Metatool 5.0:快速灵活的基本模式分析

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Elementary modes analysis is a powerful tool in the constraint-based modeling of metabolic networks. In recent years, new approaches to calculating elementary modes in biochemical reaction networks have been developed. As a consequence, the program Metatool, which is one of the first programs dedicated to this purpose, has been reimplemented in order to make use of these new approaches. The performance of Metatool has been significantly increased and the new version 5.0 can now be run inside the GNU octave or Matlab environments to allow more flexible usage and integration with other tools.
机译:在基于约束的代谢网络建模中,基本模式分析是功能强大的工具。近年来,已开发出用于计算生化反应网络中基本模式的新方法。因此,为了使用这些新方法,已重新实现了Metatool程序,它是专用于此目的的首批程序之一。 Metatool的性能已得到显着提高,新版本5.0现在可以在GNU octave或Matlab环境中运行,从而可以更灵活地使用和与其他工具集成。



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