首页> 外文期刊>Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz >The 'Dortmund Developmental Screening for Preschools' (DESK 3-6) as the basis for developmental promotion in preschools in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania. First results of the pilot project 'Children in Preschools' referring to the acceptance of DESK 3-6 by preschool teachers

The 'Dortmund Developmental Screening for Preschools' (DESK 3-6) as the basis for developmental promotion in preschools in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania. First results of the pilot project 'Children in Preschools' referring to the acceptance of DESK 3-6 by preschool teachers

机译:“多特蒙德学龄前儿童发育筛查”(DESK 3-6)是梅克伦堡-西波美拉尼亚学龄前儿童发育促进的基础。试点项目“学龄前儿童”的初步结果是学龄前教师接受了3到6丹麦克朗

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The pilot project KiK ("Kinder in Kitas," Children in Preschools) aims to support preschools in the early detection of developmental delays and to initiate individual intervention strategies. KiK was performed as a randomized, controlled prospective study in 12 preschools in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania (MWP). The Dortmund Developmental Screening for Preschools ("Dortmunder Entwicklungsscreening fur den Kindergarten DESK 3-6") was used to detect early developmental delays. Of the 71 preschool teachers, 97% rated the DESK to be a useful instrument to detect developmental delays. More than 90% of the interviewed preschool teachers rated the training positively. Preschool teachers reported that the KiK training had significantly improved their own skills to detect developmental delays in the area of fine and gross motor skills. The DESK and the training offered in preschools in MWP were widely accepted. The majority of preschool teachers judged the DESK as being suitable to detect developmental delays. The transferability of the training into daily routine of preschools in MWP was also rated positively.
机译:试点项目KiK(“幼儿园儿童”,KinK)旨在支持幼儿园早期发现发育迟缓,并启动个体干预策略。 KiK是在梅克伦堡-西波莫尼亚(MWP)的12所幼儿园中进行的一项随机对照前瞻性研究。学龄前儿童的多特蒙德发育筛查(“ Dortmunder Entwicklungsscreening fur den Kindergarten DESK 3-6”)用于检测早期发育迟缓。在71名幼儿教师中,有97%的人将DESK评为检测发育迟缓的有用工具。接受采访的学龄前老师中有90%以上对培训给予了积极评价。学龄前老师报告说,KiK培训显着提高了他们自己的技能,以发现精细和粗略运动技能方面的发育迟缓。在MWP的学前班中提供的DESK和培训已被广泛接受。大多数学龄前教师认为DESK适合检测发育迟缓。在MWP中,将培训转移到学前班的日常工作中也得到了积极评价。



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