首页> 外文期刊>Experimental Brain Research >Measuring the nausea-to-emesis continuum in non-human animals: Refocusing on gastrointestinal vagal signaling

Measuring the nausea-to-emesis continuum in non-human animals: Refocusing on gastrointestinal vagal signaling


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Nausea and vomiting are ubiquitous as drug side effects and symptoms of disease; however, the systems that determine these responses are arguably designed for protection against food poisoning occurring at the level of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. This basic biological pathway using GI vagal afferent communication to the brain is not well understood. Part of this lack of insight appears to be related to current experimental approaches, such as the use of experimental drugs, including systemic chemotherapy and brain penetrant agents, which activate parts of the nausea and vomiting system in potentially unnatural ways. Directly related to this issue is our ability to understand the link between nausea and vomiting, which are sometimes argued to be completely separate processes, with nausea as an unmeasurable response in animal models. An argument is made that nausea and emesis are the efferent limbs of a unified sensory input from the GI tract that is likely to be impossible to understand without more specific animal electrophysiological experimentation of vagal afferent signaling. The current paper provides a review on the use of animal models and approaches to defining the biological systems for nausea and emesis and presents a potentially testable theory on how these systems work in combination.



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