首页> 外文期刊>European radiology >Diagnostic performance of detecting breast cancer on computed radiographic (CR) mammograms: comparison of hard copy film, 3-megapixel liquid-crystal-display (LCD) monitor and 5-megapixel LCD monitor.

Diagnostic performance of detecting breast cancer on computed radiographic (CR) mammograms: comparison of hard copy film, 3-megapixel liquid-crystal-display (LCD) monitor and 5-megapixel LCD monitor.


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The purpose was to compare observer performance in the detection of breast cancer using hard-copy film, and 3-megapixel (3-MP) and 5-megapixel (5-MP) liquid crystal display (LCD) monitors in a simulated screening setting. We amassed 100 sample sets, including 32 patients with surgically proven breast cancer (masses present, N = 12; microcalcifications, N = 10; other types, N = 10) and 68 normal controls. All the mammograms were obtained using computed radiography (CR; sampling pitch of 50 mum). Twelve mammographers independently assessed CR mammograms presented in random order for hard-copy and soft-copy reading at minimal 4-week intervals. Observers rated the images on seven-point (1 to 7) and continuous (0 to 100) malignancy scales. Receiver-operating-characteristics analysis was performed, and the average area under the curve (AUC) was calculated for each modality. The jackknife method with the Bonferroni correction was applied to multireader/multicase analysis. The average AUC values for the 3-MP LCD, 5-MP LCD, and hard-copy film were 0.954, 0.947, and 0.956 on the seven-point scale and 0.943, 0.923, and 0.944 on the continuous scale, respectively. There were no significant differences among the three modalities on either scale. Soft-copy reading using 3-MP and 5-MP LCDs is comparable to hard-copy reading for detecting breast cancer.
机译:目的是比较使用硬拷贝胶片,3兆像素(3-MP)和5兆像素(5-MP)液晶显示器(LCD)监视器在模拟筛选设置下观察者的性能。我们收集了100个样本集,包括32例经手术证实的乳腺癌患者(存在,N = 12;微钙化,N = 10;其他类型,N = 10)和68个正常对照。所有的乳房X线照片都是使用计算机射线照相术(CR; 50毫米的采样间距)获得的。十二名乳腺X光检查人员独立评估随机排列的CR乳腺X光照片,以最少4周的时间间隔进行硬拷贝和软拷贝读取。观察者以七点(1至7)和连续(0至100)恶性等级对图像进行评分。进行接收者操作特征分析,并针对每种方式计算曲线下的平均面积(AUC)。带有Bonferroni校正的折刀法被应用于多阅读器/多案例分析。 3-MP LCD,5-MP LCD和硬拷贝胶片的平均AUC值在七点刻度上分别为0.954、0.947和0.956,在连续刻度上分别为0.943、0.923和0.944。两种规模的三种方式之间没有显着差异。使用3-MP和5-MP LCD进行软拷贝读取与检测乳腺癌的硬拷贝读取相当。



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