首页> 外文期刊>European urology >Reply to Mohammad Issa Dauleh's Letter to the Editor re: Sandra Lindstedt, Ulla Lindstrom, Eva Ljunggren, Bjorn Wullt and Magnus Grabe. Single-Dose Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Core Prostate Biopsy: Impact of Timing and Identification of Risk Factors. Eur Urol 2006;50:832–37

Reply to Mohammad Issa Dauleh's Letter to the Editor re: Sandra Lindstedt, Ulla Lindstrom, Eva Ljunggren, Bjorn Wullt and Magnus Grabe. Single-Dose Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Core Prostate Biopsy: Impact of Timing and Identification of Risk Factors. Eur Urol 2006;50:832–37

机译:回复穆罕默德·伊萨·道勒(Mohammad Issa Dauleh)给编辑的信,回复是:桑德拉·林斯特,乌拉·林斯特伦,伊娃·伦格伦,比约恩·伍尔特和马格努斯·格拉布。核心前列腺穿刺活检中的单剂量抗生素预防:时间选择和危险因素识别的影响。欧元(Uur Urol)2006; 50:832–37

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We thank the corresponding author Dr Dauleh for further underlining an essential issue, that is, the need for careful selection of patients for short standard antibiotic prophylaxis and those who would benefit from a prolonged antibiotic course to avoid an infective complication. All 12 patients with febrile genitourinary infection were included according to the protocol because they had negative culture or urine dipstick results and no risk factor was detected prior to the procedure. The risk factors were identified in a retrospective review while we were trying to understand precisely why those patients had an infective complication. Inevitably, in such a large cohort, a few patients will have undetected hidden risk factors. The number of core biopsies is not correlated to infective complications.



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