首页> 外文期刊>African journal of medicine and medical sciences. >Evaluation of the peri operative analgesic effects of caudal blocks for herniotomy in children at the University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria.

Evaluation of the peri operative analgesic effects of caudal blocks for herniotomy in children at the University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria.


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Introduction: Caudal block is a commonly performed day case anaesthetic procedure in children for most infraumbilical surgeries worldwide [1] as it provides good analgesia in the perioperative period. In Nigeria there is paucity of data on caudal block hence the justification for this study.Methods: This study compared the perioperative analgesic effects and safety profile of caudal block using 0.5 ml/kg body weight of 0.25% plain bupivacaine with light general anaesthesia (GA) versus inhalational GA alone in 60 children aged 2-10 years that had hemiotomy using behavioural pain scale to access pain [2].Results: Showed a mean duration of surgery ± standard deviation (SD) of 17±2 minutes for caudal, 51+6 minutes for GA (t = 60, p < 0.05, df = 59). Mean recovery times postoperatively was 6 ± 2 minutes for caudal, 14 ± 3 minutes for the GA (t=14, P < 0.05, df=59). Mean postoperative pain scores was 2 ± 0.6 for caudal, 5 ±1 for the GA (t=4, p < 0.05, df=9). Time to first analgesic requirement was 170 ± 19 minutes, 39± 4 minutes for caudal and GA groups respectively (t=37, p < 0.05, df=59). Postoperatively 60% and 0% of patients in GA and caudal groups required opioid analgesic respectively. Conclusion: Children who had hemiotomy under caudal block with 0.5ml/kg of 0.25% plain bupivacaine had good analgesia with minimal complications. Gaudal block in children is easy to perform and it's suitable for most day case infraumbilical surgeries.
机译:简介:尾巴阻滞是儿童在全世界大多数脐带下手术中最常用的日间麻醉程序[1],因为它在围手术期提供了良好的镇痛作用。方法:本研究比较了使用0.5 ml / kg体重的0.25%普通布比卡因和轻度全身麻醉(GA)对围阻滞的围手术期镇痛效果和安全性状况的研究。 )与单纯吸入式GA在60例2-10岁的儿童中进行了剖析,他们采用行为疼痛量表进行疼痛切开术[2]。结果:显示的平均手术持续时间±尾部标准偏差(SD)为17±2分钟,51 GA的时间为+6分钟(t = 60,p <0.05,df = 59)。术后平均恢复时间为尾部6±2分钟,GA为14±3分钟(t = 14,P <0.05,df = 59)。术后平均疼痛评分为尾部为2±0.6,GA为5±1(t = 4,p <0.05,df = 9)。尾组和GA组首次镇痛的时间分别为170±19分钟,39±4分钟(t = 37,p <0.05,df = 59)。 GA组和尾部组术后分别有60%和0%的患者需要使用阿片类镇痛剂。结论:采用0.5ml / kg的0.25%普通布比卡因进行尾巴阻滞切开术的儿童镇痛效果良好,并发症最少。儿童的高位阻滞很容易执行,适用于大多数日间例行脐下手术。



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