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Joshua Cristall — China Painter

机译:约书亚·克里斯托(Joshua Cristall)-中国画家

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Joshua Cristall (1) was a 'Fine Artist', in the terms of the time. He was highly regarded and liked by his fellow artists and was to become President of the Old Watercolour Society for several years. He was also important and the subject of an exhibition at the Victoria & Albert Museum in 1975. His biography was aptly titled In Search of Arcadia (2) in which his biographer, John Tisdall, wrote: Joshua Cristall has become to be regarded as one of the true founders of the early English school of watercolours; one of the principal innovators who developed the pale colour-washes of the eighteenth century into the full-scale imaginative painting of the nineteenth; a figure of central importance to the history of art.
机译:就当时而言,约书亚·克里斯托(Joshua Cristall)(1)是一位“优秀艺术家”。他受到同行艺术家的高度评价和喜爱,并已担任老水彩学会的主席多年。他也是重要人物,也是1975年在维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆(Victoria&Albert Museum)的展览的主题。他的传记被恰当地命名为“寻找阿卡迪亚(In Search of Arcadia)”(2),他的传记作者约翰·提斯达尔(John Tisdall)写道:约书亚·克里斯托(Joshua Cristall)已被视为早期英国水彩画派的真正创始人;一位将18世纪的浅色水洗发展为19世纪的完整有想象力的绘画的主要创新者之一;对艺术史至关重要的人物。



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