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BATTLE IN THE CLOUNDS: In the Colombian Andes, ecosystems ore disappearing faster than scientists can study them


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"FROM IT HERE VOL can sec it I the land is dying." Colombian Park Ranger Diomar Castro is standing at the edge of a sheer cliff about 9,000 feet high in the Andes' Central Cordillera. Castro waves his machete at the denuded, yellow foothills far below. "Twenty years ago that was a cloud forest," he says with a shrug. I've been reading about Colombia's deforestation troubles — as much as 1,864 square miles are lost annually to legal and illegal logging, and scientists say a third of the country's forest cover has been cut down. Even so, I'm not ready for the vista Castro has brought me to. Mile after mile of treeless, erosion-scarred hilltops stretch to the horizon — a panorama that looks more like Arizona than the Andean jungle.
机译:“在这里,VOL可以在土地快死了的情况下实现它。”哥伦比亚公园护林员Diomar Castro站在安第斯山脉中央山脉约9000英尺高的陡峭悬崖边缘。卡斯特罗挥舞着砍刀,向远在下方的黄山脚下挥舞着砍刀。他耸耸肩说:“二十年前那是一片云雾森林。”我一直在读有关哥伦比亚的森林砍伐问题-合法和非法采伐每年造成1,864平方英里的土地损失,科学家们说,该国三分之一的森林被砍伐了。即便如此,我仍不准备接受Castro带给我的远景。一英里又一英里的无树,腐蚀痕迹的山顶一直延伸到地平线–全景看起来更像是亚利桑那州,而不是安第斯丛林。



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