首页> 外文期刊>Ecology: A Publication of the Ecological Society of America >A distance-based framework for measuring functional diversity from multiple traits

A distance-based framework for measuring functional diversity from multiple traits


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A new framework for measuring functional diversity (FD) from multiple traits has recently been proposed. This framework was mostly limited to quantitative traits without missing value and to situations in which there ire more Species than traits, although the authors had suggested a way to extend their framework to other trait types. I-lie main purpose of this note is 10 further develop this suggestion. We describe I highly flexible distance-based framework to measure different Facets of FD in multidimensional trait space from any distance Or dissimilarity measure, any number of traits, and from different trait types (i.e., quantitative, semi-quantitative, and qualitative). This new approach allows for missing trait values and the weighting of individual traits. We also present a new multidimensional FD index, called functional dispersion (FDis), which is closely related to Rao's quadratic entropy. FDis is the multivariate analogue of the weighted mean absolute deviation (MAD), in which the weights are species relative abundances. For unweighted presence-absence data, FDis can be used for a formal statistical test of differences in FD. We provide the "FD" R language package to easily implement our distance-based FD framework.
机译:最近已经提出了一种用于测量来自多个特征的功能多样性(FD)的新框架。尽管作者提出了将其框架扩展到其他性状类型的方法,但该框架主要限于不丢失价值的数量性状和种类比性状多的情况。我谎言的主要目的是进一步发展这一建议。我们描述了一个高度灵活的基于距离的框架,该框架可以从任何距离或不相似度量,任意数量的特征以及不同特征类型(即定量,半定量和定性)来测量多维特征空间中FD的不同方面。这种新方法允许缺失特征值和权重单个特征。我们还提出了一种新的多维FD索引,称为功能分散(FDis),它与Rao的二次熵密切相关。 FDis是加权平均绝对偏差(MAD)的多元类似物,其中的权重是物种的相对丰度。对于未加权的缺勤数据,FDis可用于FD差异的正式统计检验。我们提供“ FD” R语言包,以轻松实现基于距离的FD框架。



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