首页> 外文期刊>Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists >The Nevoria Gold Skarn Deposit, Southern Cross Greenstone Belt, Western Australia: II. Pressure-Temperature-Time Path and Relationship to Postorogenic Granites

The Nevoria Gold Skarn Deposit, Southern Cross Greenstone Belt, Western Australia: II. Pressure-Temperature-Time Path and Relationship to Postorogenic Granites


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The Nevoria deposit (production 11.88 t Au, 0.411 Ag) is one of more than 20 gold skarns mined in the 3.1 to 3.0 Ga Southern Cross greenstone belt. The belt constitutes part of the continental foreland of the 2.7 to 2.6 Ga Norseman-Wiluna fold belt, the youngest Archean orogen of the Yilgarn craton. The Nevoria skarns are confined to iron formations at the limb of a regional F_1 anticline bent around the Ghooli orthogneiss dome. The refolding (F_2) took place at 2775 to 2724 Ma during batholith emplacement and contact metamorphism at estimated P-T conditions of 610 deg +- 50 deg C and 400 ± 100 MPa (14-km burial depth). This structural setting differs from that of the mezozonal lode gold deposits in the adjacent fold belt, which are controlled by fault-vein arrays in crustal-scale shear zones. The Nevoria orebodies (6-7 g/t Au), composed of pyrrhotite-rich hedenbergite-actinolite and almandine-hornblende skarns, are dated by a concordant U-Pb age (2635,7 +- 1.2 Ma) and by a less precise Pb-Pb errorchron age (2630 +- 13 Ma, MSWD = 5.9, n = 7), both defined by allan-ite-bearing almandine and by cogenetic scheelite. These ages demonstrate that the skarns formed 90 m.y. after amphibolite-facies metamorphism in the Southern Cross greenstone belt and at least 20 m.y. after transpres-sional faulting related to late-orogenic deformation in the Norseman-Wiluna fold belt.The peak fluid temperature during skarn formation is estimated at 550 deg to 600 deg C, based on the Fe-Mg exchange thermometry of almandine-biotite and almandine-hornblende pairs. Calcic-potassic mineral assemblages in skarn hosted by amphibolite constrain the pressure to 300 to 400 MPa, based on the reaction of biotite + cummingtonite + anorthite to almandine + grossular + biotite. The pressure estimate confirms that the Nevoria deposit formed at considerable depth (11-14 km) in a midcrustal environment. Substantial uplift did not take place until 2565 +- 25 Ma, when biotite in the associated granite closed to Rb-Sr diffusion at 300 deg C ambient temperature.
机译:Nevoria矿床(产量11.88 t Au,0.411 Ag)是在3.1至3.0 Ga Southern Cross绿岩带中开采的20多个金矽卡岩之一。该带是2.7至2.6 Ga Norseman-Wiluna褶皱带的大陆前陆的一部分,褶皱带是Yilgarn克拉通最年轻的太古宙造山带。 Nevoria矽卡岩仅局限于围绕Ghooli orthogneiss穹顶弯曲的F_1背斜区域的铁质构造。在基岩放置和接触变质过程中,重折叠(F_2)发生在2775至2724 Ma处,估计的P-T条件为610℃+ -50℃和400±100 MPa(埋葬深度14 km)。这种构造背景不同于相邻褶皱带中的中地带金矿床的构造背景,后者是由地壳尺度剪切带中的断层脉阵列控制的。 Nevoria矿体(6-7 g / t Au),由富含黄铁矿的变硬辉石-阳起石和Almandine-hornblende矽卡岩组成,其U-Pb年龄一致(2635,7 +-1.2 Ma),精确度较低Pb-Pb误差计时年龄(2630 +-13 Ma,MSWD = 5.9,n = 7),均由含艾伦石的阿尔曼丹和共生白钨矿定义。这些年龄表明,矽卡岩形成了90m.y。在南十字绿岩带和至少20 m.y发生角闪石相变质作用之后。在Norseman-Wiluna褶皱带与晚造山带形变有关的超精细断层作用之后,根据铝锰矿-黑云母和铝锰矿的Fe-Mg交换测温法,矽卡岩形成过程中的峰值流体温度估计为550到600摄氏度。 -角闪闪发光的对。基于黑云母+ cummingtonite +钙长石对铝金刚烷+粒状+黑云母的反应,由角闪石包裹的矽卡岩中的钙质钾矿物组合将压力限制在300至400 MPa。压力估算结果证实,Nevoria沉积物是在中地壳环境中的相当深度(11-14 km)形成的。直到2565±25 Ma时才发生大幅度隆升,当时相关花岗岩中的黑云母在300℃的环境温度下接近Rb-Sr扩散。



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