首页> 外文期刊>International Journal on algae >Coralline red algae from the Early Pliocene Shagra formation of Wadi Wizer, Red Sea coast, Egypt, and their implications in biostratigraphy and paleoecology

Coralline red algae from the Early Pliocene Shagra formation of Wadi Wizer, Red Sea coast, Egypt, and their implications in biostratigraphy and paleoecology

机译:埃及红海沿岸Wadi Wizer的上新世Shagra组的珊瑚红藻及其对生物地层学和古生态学的影响

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Coralline red algae are highly abundant and well diversified in the well exposed carbonate deposits of the Early Pliocene Shagra Formation at Wadi Wizer, Red Sea coast, Egypt. Lithostratigraphically, the Shagra Formation unconformably overlies the Late Miocene Marsa Alam Formation and underlies the Quaternary deposits. This formation included two members, from base to top: 1) Dashet El Dabaa Member; 2) Sharm El Arab members. The coralline red algae and foraminifera are important constituents of thesedeposits and highly abundant. This carbonate facies is dominated by different assemblage of coralline red algae in the form of in situ crusts, rhodoliths, fragments and corals, bivalve shell fragments, bryozoans, benthonic and palnktonic foraminifera. The systematic study and the taxonomic investigations carried out on the coralline red algae, twenty one coralline algal species were recognized and described for the first time (most of which belonged to nongeniculated coralline algae, they are represented by: seven nongeniculated coralline algal genera in the form of Lithothamnion, Mesophyllum, Spongites, Lithophyllum, Neogoniolithon, Sporolithon, and Lithoporelld). The geniculated coralline algae is described and represented by Corallina sp. One species of green algae (Chlorophyaceae) depicted in the genus Halimeda sp. On the basis of the stratigraphic vertical distribution of these coralline red algae, the studied Early Pliocene sequence could be subdivided into two local coralline algal assemblagezones from base to top: Neogoniolithon sp. Mesophyllum lemoinaea Assemblage Zone and Lithothamnion saipanense Lithophyllum prelichenoid.es Assemblage Zone. Detailed microfacies analysis of the Early Pliocene Shagra Formation led to the recognition of eight microfacies types (six of carbonate facies and two of siliciclastic facies) on the basis of Lithological characters, faunal content and sedimentary strutcures, indicating that the Early Pliocene sequence was deposited in transgressive - regressive cycles ranged from near shore, warm shallow inner to middle neritic marine water environments with development of reefal facies. Paleoecologically, it is noted that both of Lithophullum, Neogoniolithon and Spongites are dominated in the reefal carbonate facies. However, the Mesophyllum, Lithothamnion and Sporolithon are main components of the relatively more shallower carbonate facies.
机译:在埃及红海沿岸Wadi Wizer的上新世Shagra组早露的碳酸盐矿床中,珊瑚红藻非常丰富,并且分布丰富。岩石地层学上,Shagra组不整合地覆盖了中新世末期的Marsa Alam组,并覆盖了第四纪沉积。该组织包括两名成员,从下到上:1)Dashet El Dabaa成员; 2)沙姆沙伊阿拉伯成员。珊瑚红藻和有孔虫是这些沉积物的重要成分,并且含量很高。这种碳酸盐相以珊瑚红藻的不同组合为主导,形式为原地壳,菱纹石,碎片和珊瑚,双壳类贝壳碎片,苔藓虫,底栖和古生物有孔虫。对珊瑚红藻进行的系统研究和分类研究,首次识别和描述了二十一种珊瑚藻物种(其中大多数属于非成因的珊瑚藻,它们的代表为:七种非成因的珊瑚藻属。碎石,中叶,海绵,石碎,新gonolilithon,Sporolithon和Liporporelld的形式)。形成的珊瑚藻由Corallina sp。描述并代表。 Halimeda sp。属中的一种绿藻(绿藻科)。根据这些珊瑚红藻的地层垂直分布,可以将研究的上新世序列从底部到顶部细分为两个局部的珊瑚藻组合带:Neogoniolithon sp。 Mesophyllum lemoinaea组合区和Lithathamnion saipanense Lithophyllum prelichenoid.es组合区。通过对上新世Shagra组的微相分析,根据岩性,动物群含量和沉积构造,识别了八种微相类型(六个碳酸盐相和两个硅质碎屑相),这表明上新世序列沉积于海侵-海退循环的范围从近岸,温暖的浅层内部到中性海相海水环境,以及礁相的发展。在古生态学上,应该指出的是,在礁碳酸盐岩相中,石楠,新角砾石和海绵岩均占主导地位。然而,中叶碳酸盐岩,岩藻硫蛋白和孢子酮是相对较浅的碳酸盐岩相的主要成分。



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