首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Testing: Official Journal of the International Test Commission >Gender Differences and Similarities in PISA 2003 Mathematics: A Comparison between the United States and Hong Kong

Gender Differences and Similarities in PISA 2003 Mathematics: A Comparison between the United States and Hong Kong

机译:PISA 2003数学中的性别差异和相似之处:美国和香港的比较

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Differential gender performance in standardized mathematics assessment has long been a heated topic. Gender gaps of varied magnitude have been identified on large-scale assessments in the United States. To continue the investigation, this study examined male and female performance on the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2003 mathematics along four in-depth dimensions (strand, content topics, competency cluster, and item format). Furthermore, to identify the shared and unique patterns of gender differences, students from Hong Kong were brought into the comparison. Males in both counties demonstrated superior performance, particularly on complex multiple choice items. Females scored higher on probability, algebra, and reproduction items. Hong Kong students showed a larger gender gap than U.S. students. However, the within-country gender differences were considered small compared with the significant between-country performance differences. (Some PISA participants are not countries, but education systems representative of countries (e.g., Hong Kong). However, for purpose of simplicity, instead of using "countries/systems" every time, the generic term "countries" was used to refer to countries or systems.) Hong Kong students predominantly outperformed U.S. students, including items that measure complex mathematical reasoning, an area well documented to favor U.S. students.
机译:标准化数学评估中的性别差异表现长期以来一直是一个热门话题。在美国的大规模评估中,已经发现了不同程度的性别差距。为了继续进行调查,本研究从四个深度维度(领域,内容主题,能力集群和项目格式)研究了2003年国际学生评估计划(PISA)的男女成绩。此外,为了确定性别差异的共同和独特模式,将来自香港的学生进行了比较。两个县的男性都表现出优异的表现,尤其是在复杂的多项选择项目上。女性在概率,代数和繁殖项目上得分更高。香港学生的性别差距比美国学生大。但是,与国家间绩效差异相比,国家间性别差异被认为是很小的。 (有些PISA参与者不是国家,而是代表国家(例如,香港)的教育系统。但是,为简单起见,并不是每次都使用“国家/系统”,而是使用通用的“国家”一词来指代国家或系统。)香港学生的表现主要好于美国学生,包括衡量复杂数学推理的项目,该领域有据可查的有利于美国学生的领域。



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