首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine >Technique in medicine and its implications for the biopsychosocial model

Technique in medicine and its implications for the biopsychosocial model


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One of the challenges of integrating the biopsychosocial model into medical teaching and practice is the effect of technique on medicine. Relying heavily on the thought of Jacques Ellul, this article defines technique as the systematic application of machine principles to all domains of life, and the evaluation and adjustment of all human activity according to the criterion of efficiency. The article then considers the tension between technique and the biopsychosocial model of medicine, and explores ways to offset the problems technique causes while preserving the good that technique achieves, with particular reference to the teaching of family medicine residents.
机译:将生物心理社会模型整合到医学教学和实践中的挑战之一是技术对医学的影响。本文在很大程度上依赖于雅克·埃卢尔(Jacques Ellul)的思想,将技术定义为机器原理在生活的所有领域中的系统应用,并根据效率标准对所有人类活动进行评估和调整。然后,本文考虑了技术与医学的生物心理社会模型之间的张力,并探讨了在保留技术实现的好处的同时抵消技术问题的方法,特别是针对家庭医学居民的教学。



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