首页> 外文期刊>International nursing review >Knowledge of, and attitudes to, acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) among traditional birth attendants (TBAs) in rural communities in Cross River State, Nigeria.

Knowledge of, and attitudes to, acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) among traditional birth attendants (TBAs) in rural communities in Cross River State, Nigeria.


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AIM: To survey knowledge of, and attitudes to, HIV/AIDS held by traditional birth attendants (TBAs) in rural communities in Cross River State, Nigeria. BACKGROUND: As the HIV/AIDS epidemic continues to spread, undermining development, reversing health gains and exacerbating poverty, TBAs in rural communities in Cross River State, Nigeria are still less informed about this dreadful disease. METHODS: A survey consisting of structured questionnaires was used with 140 randomly selected TBAs to assess their knowledge of HIV/AIDS, source of information on HIV and protective practices. FINDINGS: Results revealed that 62 (44.3%) of the TBAs had no formal education. Forty-four (31.4%) had primary education, while 19 (13.6%) had secondary education. On knowledge of HIV and sources of information, 49 (35.0%) of respondents reported knowing what HIV means. While 26.4% indicated that they received information about HIV from the government health centres, 23.6% had no information about the disease. There was a greatdisparity between male (73.7%) and female (28.9%) respondents on knowledge about HIV. On the use of protective safety procedures during delivery, 61 (43.6%) used sterilized blades, while 10.7% admitted wearing protective clothes and gloves. Only three (2.1%) of the respondents said that they were aware of the HIV status of their clients prior to delivery. CONCLUSIONS: This survey has demonstrated that few TBAs in the communities studied in Cross River State are informed about HIV/AIDS, and this has revealed the urgency of starting a programme specifically designed for TBAs in rural communities towards a massive educational campaign on HIV/AIDS.
机译:目的:调查尼日利亚横河州农村社区传统接生员(TBA)对艾滋病毒/艾滋病的了解和态度。背景:随着艾滋病毒/艾滋病的流行继续蔓延,破坏发展,逆转健康状况并加剧贫困,尼日利亚克罗斯河州农村社区的TBA仍未充分了解这种可怕的疾病。方法:由结构化问卷组成的调查与140个随机选择的TBA一起使用,以评估其对HIV / AIDS的知识,HIV信息来源和保护措施。结果:结果显示,有62个(44.3%)的TBA没有接受过正规教育。四十四(31.4%)受过小学教育,而19(13.6%)受过中学教育。关于艾滋病毒的知识和信息来源,有49位(35.0%)的受访者表示知道艾滋病毒的含义。尽管有26.4%的人表示他们从政府卫生中心获得了有关艾滋病毒的信息,但23.6%的人没有这种疾病的信息。男性(73.7%)和女性(28.9%)的受访者在艾滋病知识方面存在巨大差异。在分娩过程中使用保护性安全程序时,有61件(43.6%)使用了消毒刀片,而10.7%的人则穿着防护服和手套。只有三分之二(2.1%)的受访者表示,他们在分娩之前已经知道了其客户的艾滋病毒状况。结论:该调查表明,在克罗斯河州研究的社区中,很少有TBA了解艾滋病毒/艾滋病,这表明迫切需要启动专门针对农村社区TBA的计划,以开展大规模的HIV / AIDS教育运动。



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