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Communicating inherited genetic risk between parent and child: A meta-thematic synthesis


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Objectives: Communicating genetic risk is a distressing process for families affected by inherited genetic conditions. This systematic review identifies and explores the challenges faced by parents and their (non)affected or at risk children caused by the (non)disclosure of genetic risk information. Design: Qualitative meta-synthesis and thematic analysis. Data sources: Ovid databases; Ovid 'in progress', British Nursing Index, Embase, Medline and Psychinfo were combined with searches of EBSCOhost databases; CINAHL and ERIC and Web of science and ZETOC databases using truncations of communication, chronic illness and disease and words relating to family with specific genetic conditions; Cystic Fibrosis, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Familial Adenomatous Polyposis, Hereditary Non-polyposis Colorectal Cancer, Huntington's Disease, Neurofibromatosis and Sickle Cell Anaemia. This was augmented with free Internet and hand searches and an exploration of the bibliographies of all included papers. Review method: All papers were quality assessed to ascertain their research quality and methodological rigour. Results: A total of 2033 citations were retrieved. Following the removal of duplicates, irrelevant articles and the application of an inclusion criterion, 12 articles remained. A further three papers were omitted due to poor quality leaving nine papers which focussed on the disclosure of genetic information between parent and child (<18 years). Eight papers were qualitative in design and one used a mixed method approach. Thematic synthesis produced four themes that inform the structure of the paper; disclosure, emotions involved in disclosure, desired disclosure and recommendations. Conclusion: Disclosure of genetic risk information within families is a highly complex and affective process often resulting in delayed disclosure. This can lead to increased family tensions generated by misunderstanding, blame and secrecy. Early, age appropriate disclosure can better prepare children for future considerations such as care planning and reproductive decision-making. It also contributes to effective coping strategies that promote enhanced adaptation and emotional well being. Early disclosure also reduces parental anxieties concerning disclosure from an unwitting source. Research shows that children and young people want their parents to engage in open and honest discussions about the genetic condition. Therefore to help facilitate effective family communication health professionals should provide family centred care and better emotional and informational support.
机译:目标:传播遗传风险对受遗传遗传条件影响的家庭来说是一个痛苦的过程。这项系统的综述确定并探讨了由于(未)公开遗传风险信息而导致父母及其(未)患病或处于危险中的儿童所面临的挑战。设计:定性元综合和主题分析。数据来源:Ovid数据库; Ovid“进行中”,英国护理指数,Embase,Medline和Psychinfo结合了EBSCOhost数据库的搜索; CINAHL,ERIC,Web of Science和ZETOC数据库,使用通信,慢性病和疾病的截断词以及与具有特定遗传条件的家庭有关的词语;囊性纤维化,杜兴氏肌营养不良症,家族性腺瘤性息肉病,遗传性非息肉病结直肠癌,亨廷顿舞蹈病,神经纤维瘤病和镰状细胞性贫血。通过免费的互联网和人工搜索以及对所有收录论文的书目的探索,该功能得到了增强。审查方法:所有论文均经过质量评估,以确保其研究质量和方法学严格性。结果:共检索到2033篇文献。在删除重复项,无关的文章并应用纳入标准之后,剩下了12条。由于质量差,另外三篇论文被省略,剩下九篇论文着重于父母和子女(<18岁)之间遗传信息的公开。 8篇论文在设计上是定性的,其中一种使用了混合方法。专题综合产生了四个主题,这些主题构成了论文的结构。披露,披露所涉及的情绪,期望的披露和建议。结论:家庭内部遗传风险信息的披露是一个高度复杂和情感化的过程,通常会导致披露延迟。这可能会导致由误会,责备和保密引起的家庭紧张关系加剧。尽早进行适当的年龄披露可以使孩子更好地为将来的考虑做好准备,例如照料计划和生殖决策。它还有助于制定有效的应对策略,以促进适应能力和情绪健康。早期披露也减少了父母对不知情者披露的焦虑。研究表明,儿童和年轻人希望他们的父母就遗传状况进行公开而诚实的讨论。因此,为了帮助促进有效的家庭沟通,卫生专业人员应提供以家庭为中心的护理以及更好的情感和信息支持。



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