首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Photoenergy >Kinetics and Photodegradation Study of Aqueous Methyl tert-Butyl Ether Using Zinc Oxide: The Effect of Particle Size

Kinetics and Photodegradation Study of Aqueous Methyl tert-Butyl Ether Using Zinc Oxide: The Effect of Particle Size


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Zinc oxide of different average particle sizes 25 nm, 59 nm, and 421 nm as applied in the photodegradation of MTBE. This study was carried out in a batch photoreactor having a high pressure mercury lamp. Zinc oxide of particle size of 421 nm was found to be the most effective in degrading MTBE in an aqueous solution. On using this type of ZnO in a solution of 100 ppm MTBE, the concentration of MTBE has decreased to 5.1 ppm after a period of five hours. The kinetics of the photocatalytic degradation of MTBE was found to be a first order reaction.
机译:MTBE的光降解中使用了25nm,59nm和421nm不同平均粒径的氧化锌。该研究是在具有高压汞灯的间歇式光反应器中进行的。发现粒径为421nm的氧化锌对于降解水溶液中的MTBE最有效。在100 ppm MTBE的溶液中使用这种类型的ZnO时,经过5个小时后,MTBE的浓度已降至5.1 ppm。发现MTBE的光催化降解动力学是一级反应。



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