首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Performability Engineering >Fiber Breakage Model for COPV Reliability Estimation

Fiber Breakage Model for COPV Reliability Estimation


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The most commonly used reliability model to predict the probability of a COPV rupture is based on the Weibull distribution. In this paper we propose an alternative reliability model based on the idea that the stress rupture process is preceded by the formation and evolution of fiber breakage clusters. The fiber breaks in this process are described by a Bose-Einstein distribution which leads to a Polya urn model that describes the progression of the number of fiber breaks. This urn model shows that two distinct paths for the formation of breakage clusters are possible. In the first one a few breakage clusters are shown to have a dominant number of breaks. In the second one, the breakage clusters are shown to have the number of breaks evenly distributed across clusters. Simulations suggest that the dominant case leads to a high variance across the total number of breaks, whereas the evenly distributed case leads to a smaller variance. A small number of clusters will lead to fiber breakage reliability models that estimate a higher reliability than does the Weibull.
机译:预测COPV破裂可能性的最常用可靠性模型是基于Weibull分布。在本文中,我们基于应力断裂过程先于纤维断裂簇的形成和演化的思想,提出了另一种可靠性模型。在此过程中,纤维断裂由Bose-Einstein分布描述,该分布导致了描述纤维断裂次数进展的Polya urn模型。该骨灰盒模型表明,可能有两条截然不同的路径形成破裂簇。在第一个中,几个断裂簇显示出断裂的数量占主导。在第二个中,显示了断裂簇具有在簇之间均匀分布的断裂数。模拟表明,占优势的情况导致中断总数上的高方差,而均匀分布的情况导致较小的方差。少数簇将导致光纤断裂可靠性模型,该模型估计的可靠性要比Weibull更高。



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