首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France >Comments on the paper entitled: 'New structural constraints on the southern Provence thrust belt (France): Evidences for an Eocene shortening event linked to the Corsica-Sardinia subduction' by L. Andreani, N. Loget, C. Rangin and X. Le Pichon, Bull. Soc. Géol. Fr., (2010), 181, no 6, 547-563

Comments on the paper entitled: 'New structural constraints on the southern Provence thrust belt (France): Evidences for an Eocene shortening event linked to the Corsica-Sardinia subduction' by L. Andreani, N. Loget, C. Rangin and X. Le Pichon, Bull. Soc. Géol. Fr., (2010), 181, no 6, 547-563

机译:L. Andreani,N。Loget,C。Rangin和X. Le对题为“南部普罗旺斯逆冲带的新结构性约束(法国):与科西嘉-撒丁岛俯冲有关的始新世缩短事件的证据”的评论Pichon,公牛。 Soc。哥Fr.,(2010),181,no 6,547-563

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We discuss the Andreani et al.'s tectonic interpretation of both la Nerthe and L'Etoile ranges, which form the western part of the southern Provence thrust defined by Aubouin and Chorowicz [1967]. Referring to previous works, emphasis is given to the structural independence of the two ranges. The western L'Etoile range is underthrusted beneath the southern La Nerthe tectonic unit along the Graffiane key-area Aptian corridor. In contrast with the autochthonous concept of La Nerthe range by Andreani et al., structural and paleogeographic data are presented, supporting the interpretation of the southern part of the range as an important north-verging thrust emplaced during the Bartonian major tectonic event. This one was followed by a shortening Ludian (Priabonian) event resulting in a strong refolding of the southern La Nerthe structures. Contrary to the Andreani et al's interpretation, field facts provide evidence that the W-E trending fault systems affecting La Nerthe and L'Etoile ranges have formed during the N-S distensive regime that started from early Rupelian and that was accentuated during late Chattian and Aquitanian. However, stratigraphical and tectonic regional data suggest a Middle Oligocene strike-slip reactivation of the WE trending system faults of La Nerthe range, coeval to north-verging overthrusting and reverse faulting, affecting early Oligocene formations of the neighbouring Marseilles basin.
机译:我们讨论了Andreani等人对la Nerthe和L'Etoile山脉的构造解释,它们构成了由Aubouin和Chorowicz [1967]定义的普罗旺斯南部冲断的西部。参考先前的工作,重点放在两个范围的结构独立性上。西部的L'Etoile山脉沿Graffiane重点地区Aptian走廊在南La Nerthe构造单元之下被下推。与Andreani等人的La Nerthe山脉的本土概念相反,本文提供了结构和古地理数据,支持将山脉的南部解释为在Bartonian大构造事件中施加的重要的北向冲断。随后发生的卢甸(Priabonian)缩短事件导致南部拉尼特(La Nerthe)构造强烈折叠。与Andreani等人的解释相反,实地事实提供了证据,表明在影响La Nerthe和L'Etoile范围的W-E趋势断层系统是在从Rupelian早期开始的N-S扩张时期形成的,并在Chattian和Aquitanian后期被强调。然而,地层和构造的区域数据表明,La Nerthe山脉的WE趋势系统断层的中渐新世走滑复活,与北缘的上冲和逆断层同时期,影响了邻近马赛盆地的早渐新世形成。



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